General, Giveaways

Win a Tennis Set with Pharmaton’s Ready to Play Campaign

Phamaton Active Life are the official multivitamin supplement of British tennis and to celebrate a British win of the Davies cup they have teamed up with it’s winner Leon Smith to encourage more children to start up tennis and use it as a way to keep active.

Pharmaton High Res Packshot

The Ready to Play campaign sees Leon Smith create ten simple videos that you can encourage your kids to do at home to get active.  All you need are a few small balls, a couple of household objects and off your go, using balance and coordination, your kids ball skills will improve immediately.  Why not give them a go?

My children were eager to get outside and have ago, with wall tennis and tennis being great fun.  Trying to capture them in action was hard work though with balls flying everywhere.  What we did then find in the shed but hadn’t had a chance to play was a street tennis kit and our new garden was the perfect place to give it a go.  The children absolutely loved it and have been playing tennis in the garden as long as the sun stays out in the evenings – proving tennis is a big hit with them!

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To celebrate Pharmaton’s Ready to Play campaign and help encourage children get active I have a mini Bablolat Tennis set pictured below to give away to one of my readers:


Just fill in the Gleam form below:

Tennis set

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