Vanish is my number one go to for stain removal. Since having children, the vast array of stains they produce is unbelievable but with a little helping hand, I can usually vanish most of them away! We received some of the latest Vanish products to try out and you can win a set too, just see below.
It didn’t take long to find a stain to test them out on, 4yr old Mister B came home from nursery last week and was delighted in telling me about the new “mud kitchen” they have at nursery to play with. A “real” sink, saucepans, pots, wooden spoons and a unused flowerbed for them to dig in to their hearts delight!
Not only was his top covered in mud, but underneath his white vest looked dreadful. Wet mud is never a good idea (not that I want to spoil his fun) but trying to get rid of the stains is a nightmare so before washing I applied some Vanish Gold Powergel quite liberally over the marks and left if for 5 minutes before putting in the wash.
And this was the result:
I’m quite pleased with it and it was simple and easy to do. A few squirts of the gel and it really helps with the stain removal. I’m sure if I hadn’t used it I would have ended up with a vest still covered in mud stains.
Vanish have products to attack stains in all areas from clothes to carpets so it’s well worth giving them a try to get rid of those nasty spills and marks.
If you’d like to win a set of Vanish products then just fill in the Gleam widget below:
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the products in order to write the review.
Grease stains from food they are a devil to get out
Baked beans stains.
We eat alot of turmeric and spices, so I’d use it on those 🙂
Food stains on my own clothes.
Grass stains – my two boys love their football, rugby and cricket so they are always coming home with grass stains!
I have a 13 month old and 4 year old so sauce stains mostly lol x
Food stains on T-Shirts!
Usually anything we have for dinner lands on my husbands shirts x
A great big stain on my en-suite carpet left by some clumsy workmen
Really handy for shirt collars!
The oil stains on my partners trousers! X
My husband is worse than a child,he no sooner sits down to his evening meal when I hear “oops !”,every time,every single time.From curry and stews to beans,up comes the cry again,and again.As you can imagine Vanish and I are old friends !
My husband and son are terrible for stains. I would use it on grass, blood, chocolate and curry stains and that’s just for a start!
Food and grass stains
grease stains
Chocolate and pasta sauce!
red wine…..
Food stains, especially tomato ketchup!
I have brand new t-shirts for my LO with pasta sauce, and chocolate icecream stains on! Only worn once, so I really don’t want to bin them!
I would use it to get the paint and pen stains out of my sons schools t shirts!!!!!
I would use it on my husbands work clothing to get rid of all the grease and grime
mainly stains from spilt drinks on the carpet
Any alcohol stains
mud and ketchup
On grass stains on my boys school clothes and on pen marks on white school shirts
Bolognese sauce, no one in our house can eat it without it ending up on their t-shirts.
red wine
Grass stains from my granddaughters’ knees!
Tomato stains on my daughters clothes
Usually pen marks on school shirts & grass stains on football kit
ink my son gets it on his shirts and i seem to get it on my work tops which happen to white as well
baby food, which stains orange on everything
baby food stains on my daugter’s clothes and mud stains on my toddlers ones
food spills
Wine stains
It will be either chocolate ice cream or tomato from pasta bake and usually when I’m wearing a white top.
Spag bol, chocolate and grass.
Food stains
My daughter gets makeup stains on her bed clothes and carpet
wine stains
Fruit juice stains
My sons grass stains he seems to get every day from playing football!
Grass stains!!
Horse muck
I call them takeaway stains because they tend to be turmeric or tomato paste 🙂
grass and curry thankyou
It would probably be easier to use it on my hubby and make him vanish! He’s terrible, spills drinks and food down himself, so I would probably use it to treat the grease marks they are a real pain!
Mud and grass!
I would like to see if they work on dug in Raisin stains on the carpet 🙂
Grass Stains
Chocolate sauce.
food stains on clothing
The boys polo shirts – I am not sure what stains they are! Whiteboard pen is definitely one
Grass stains on my son’s knees!
Paw prints on my cushions, thanks to my little 4 legged friend.
My teenager daughter’s fake tan stains – yuck !!
Grass stains
general stains on my daughters uniform
Bolognese sauce! My 11 month old gets it EVERYWHERE!!
Food stains
All the stains my sons manage to accumulate throughout the day
My sons school shirts, couldnt tell you how many I have had to throw away, I think he must roll around the floor all day!
Grass stains, my two boys are always getting them on their trousers.
Grease stains – they drive me crazy
My baby sons tops, where hes spat his puree out
My son has a taekwondo suit and its got lots of stains I can’t shift. Food, grass and even blood!
All Food Stains
I’d try it on Vimto stains!
My husbands white stained socks come up a treat
Ink and paint. School uniform for my son includes a white polo shirt – nightmare!
curry x
The wife is a nurse so you can guess what the stains are.
Grass and paint stains , they are never ending having 3 little ones
My daughter is always getting mud stains xx
Spahettti bolognese sauce stain off clothes, it never seems to wash out properly
Every stain going, my twin boys are very messy!
food, mud, grass stains
husbands grubby stains from work x
Tomato sauce stains
Curry sauce and grass stains
The pen and paint that refuses to budge on my daughters school tops and dresses 🙂
my daughters school uniform, no idea how she gets half of the stains!!! x
Food Stains as my son is sick quite a lot and stains so much of his clothes xx
to get curry stains out of a rug! ahh I actually tried loads of things ..carpet cleaners etc but the thing that worked the best was vanishX
Tea and coffee stains in my carpet!
Now it’s summer, definitely grass stains but I always have food stains to deal with too!
my youngest daughter is 4 and most of her food seems to get on her clothes.
Pretty much any stain gets the Vanish treatment in our house. Pasta sauce is the classic one though. We have a lot of pasta, and need to resort to Vanish afterwards pretty much every time.
tomato sauce
Ketchup stains on my son’s clothing.
Grass stains on my Daughters clothes and red wine off my fellas!
I have a 7year old and a 2 year old so I would use this on everything they wear. Vanish is amazing, now if they could invent a stain-repellent that would be great.
My son is a messiest little monster ever so it would be great to get rid of his messy stains and grubby marks
My daughter always seems to get baked beans on her uniform!
I have two toddlers i’d use it on their clothing
Baby food stains especially anything tomato based
My daughters nursery stains, like paint, playdough and grass stains.
the mud stains currently occupying my lobby carpet!
The endless tomato stains my toddler gets on EVERYTHING!
Curry stains on my sons t’shirts, why can’t the manage to get it in their mouths (I know why but can’t put it on the comments)
Chocolate stains on a white cushion – eek!
I always seem to end up with my grandchildren’s stained clothes to magically clean so food stains are the one I’m constantly battling x
I have ink stains on some of my sheets that I would like to remove
Cat sick on my armchair
Red wine!
With my two it could be grass, pens, mud, paint or food!
Ketchup drives me mad
curry stains
Grass Stains, Grass Stains oh look more Grass stains!! My sons trousers are constantly covered in them!!
With my five year old mud, grass stains, pen
Curry stains
Curry and pasta sauce stains which are two of the worst I think
Chocolate milk
food stains everywhere
hair dye
Food and grease stains
Gardening Stains
my daughters clothes shes jut turned 4, and im always but her clothes in stain remover lol.
Food stains
curry and grass stains
My husband has to wear white shirts to work and always seems to get these dirty marks around the collar so hopefully this would help out!
My daughter is a beauty therapist, so is always getting various stains from products on her uniform. Anything that gets them out easily sounds great.
Grass stains, ketchup stains and curry stains – they are all flipping nightmares!!
On all of the Coffee stains I have left going from the kitchen to the living room.
Red wine and grease
Coffee, chocolate and cream stains
Stains on my one year olds clothes
Grass stains! My kids end up covered in these and can never get them out.
Oil and dirt after a weekend at the track with our son
Multiple food stains and grass stains from ad hoc picnics!
I would use it on grass stains
food stains on our clothes
My son is forever getting mud and grass stains on his clothes, it would deffo be used on those
Goodness knows what, my son comes home with so many stains on his white school shirt, I have no idea where they all come from, I struggle to keep them white
A big problem for me is either spaghetti sauce or curry sauce such a pain to get out
Food stains on white school and work shirts.
my socks
muddy school socks x
spaghetti stains
On my husband collars, he hates any marks on shirts
Food, grass, blood, mud… whatever my boys come home with!
food stains and dirt on the carpet!
grass on T shirts
Tomato sauce stains and paint from school stains
Food stains from my toddler
Grass Stains
My mum spilt tea and jam on the carpet a few months ago and it still won’t come out, so I’d have a good go at that
Tomato Ketchup / Pasta Sauce!
Food stains. The worst are tomato or curry stains!
Bolognese sauce on little mans tshirts
Grass stains, and whatever else appears.
I stained my favourite white dress the other day. This would sort it out, I’m sure.
my 9 month olds orange baby food stains!
Food stains usually curry or lasagne
Blackcurrant juice
Grass and spaghetti bolognese
Red wine definitely
grass and blackcurrant squash
I love cooking but am not the neatest :/ so I get fat, tomato, soy sauce and all sorts all over me so this would be really helpful. Also my boyfriend gets food all over himself while inhaling his meals!
food and dirt stains on my sons’ white school shirts
barbecue grease
Tomato stains, baby poo, grass stains all difficult to remove
My son constantly wipes his post food mouth onto the sleeves of his tops!
Food stains as I’m a tramp and can never get the food directly into my mouth.
Mud and grass.
Grass stains after a day at the park or playing football
My 2 year old would give me lots of options: food, paint, marker ink, potty training accidents, and general dirt from play.
I have a number of stains on the childrens clothes. Think they consist of food. Why is childrens food alway orange.
Curry sauce and tomato pasta sauce
For some reason I always manage to get food and muck stains out or almost out but am doomed with any makeup stain – a drip of foundation or smear of lipstick.
I would use Vanish to get rid of food stains, such as Curry, ketchup and sauces.
Red wine on the carpet
biro it is a nightmare to get out
Tea, I always get tea on my pyjamas
grass stains
Beetroot, chocolate, tomator ketchup and pen marks on my children’s clothes!!
Grease stains, they’re a nightmare to shift!
grease and oil stains
Muddy pet paw prints on the carpet
collar stains
Baked beans
Pasta sauce stains…the tomato based ones are a nightmare to get out. Also muddy doggy pawprints
the most common stains in our house are ketchup, red wine and grass
Muddy knees
Grass, especially on my son’s trousers!
I’m 8 months pregnant so food is getting dropped on the massive bump!
fruit stains
curry stains off my husband’s shirts!!
Food stains on young children’s clothes – its the spices that do it!
Tomato based pasta sauce and smoothie have ruined so many of my twins clothes this sounds great
Grass stains, my family can’t go a week without someone managing to cover their clothes with these!
felt tips and biros, they seem to get everywhere
pasta sauce – we eat lots of pasta and im always spilling it 🙁
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Grease and food stains on clothes
The stains that I tend to have issues with is grass stains. I’m yet to find a product that can remove grass stains (but I haven’t tried vanish yet).
Grass from skateboarding
My husband and kid’s cricket whites.
Red Wine
grass stains
food stains and grass stains
engine oil marks and stains from food and drinks.
Grass stains. My daughter is such a tom boy
With 2 boys stains are a regular occurance. Most commonly grass stains!
fruit tea stains on the carpet – my toddler is forever spilling her drinks & refuses to use a sippy cup any more!!
Food stains! My daughter is a messy eater!
lots of different stains, my little one seems to attract them all, the flavour of the month is grass stains at the moment.
The main stains my family get are food, makeup, pens, sweat, grass…
Red wine, tumeric/curry, beet juice, grass stains, blood, and countless more
Grass stains. At this time of year they’re abundant
Lipstick, so tough!
Its those pesky white school tops that come home smothered in food and adorned with permanent pen that need some vanish help!
My daughter just went Strawberry picking with Nan & Granddad
Spaghetti Bolognese stains on linen…..nightmare to date ! It just goes pale orange.
Paint and food stains
Sharing my house with a husband four sons a grandson two cats and a dog the options are endless but tomato sauce is always a challenge
Grass and mud stains! They are such a pain!
Grease stains on a tablecloth
Got some limeade on a shirt, that would be great if removed!
Some blackcurrant and redcurrant stains on my tee shirts from my fruit picking activities!
Oil from my bike chain causes stain grief!!
Grass stains on the knees of our son’s jeans
Bolognese and curry
tomato ketchup
Makeup stains on my carpet!
food stains
To help clean the dirt marks off my bakery whites
I can’t eat curry or anything tomato sauce based without getting it down my front. However hard I try, it’s guaranteed!
spaghetti bolognaise is a particular hatred of mine x
Salsa stains on the carpet! Shame!!
spaghetti bolognaise! Its an awful stain to get out.
Butter dripped off my toast onto my favourite blouse
Food stains are the worst
My little boys potty accidents which are everywhere in the house at the minute and on his underwear! Not successfully managing to get it into the potty just yet :S
Mud on my hubby White T-shirts
Sweat marks under the arms. Need Vanish to remove yellow stain marks
has to be spaghetti bolognese that horrible orange sauce is just a menace
spaghetti Bolognese on a white top!!
my baby is a messy pup so it would be great for keeping his clothes clean
My children’s food stains
All the food stains, mostly curry, that my hubby gets on his shirts whilst working away
Chocolate stains on my little girl’s t-shirts
My hubby works at a bird sanctuary so would try it on his work uniform which believe me has seen some horrors
I would definitely love to try Vanish on my BF’s t-shirts and shirts sweat stains. There are real pains
Children’s food stains on t-shirts.
My daughter loves picking strawberries at our allotment, need i say anymore
Some stains of unknown origin on my shirt.
Greasy food stains. Vanish really does work??
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Beetroot. We grow and eat loads, but it does stain
Tomato – I always seem to drop something tomato related down my tops!
Coffee stains on the carpet
grass stains
Grass stains from my boys who love playing sports!
I’d use it for my toddlers messy stained clothes. Chocolate and Baked Beans seem to be difficult to get out if not washed straight away.
Citrus stains, they seem to be super stubborn x
Shirt collars, save the scrubbing I do at the moment! 🙂
Grass, mud food and animal care related stains
you want me to list my stains? going to be a lot of dirty sounding people on this thread!
Ok – my girlfriend Sarah spills her tea. A LOT. So, tea stains for me.
grass and oil stains
Any of the stains that appear on my son’s school uniform!
The usual
Diner stains on tops
& grass stains on bottoms
& the kids are no better
Fruit juice spillages.
Mud, grass and tomato sauce
Grass stains
Tomato soup. My youngest seems to get more on his clothes than he eats!
baby sick and poop, and food stains – have an 11 week old baby and an almost 2 year old – they get messy.
Pen marks on the kids school uniforms
Food stains on my polo shirts
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Food stains on clothes x
i would use on my baby bibs
grass stains on my sons jeans
Curry and wine stains ! 🙁
My partner has an old Land Rover he is fixing up and the oiliness he is covered in is mad, so this would be fantastic to use on
Food Stains – I work in a kitchen and despite washing my clothes thoroughly they still end up stained – this morning, I went into work with faint tomato stains on my shirt that I hadn’t even noticed :/
Blood and grease mainly
Tomato sauce and other food stains!
food stains, my kids get loads
Grass stains after gardening 🙂
Most of my stains are tomato based – usually from eating spaghetti bolognaise.
Grass and mud stains, blood as I am always cutting myself, oil based stains and sweat stains
red wine
Has to be my son’s P.E. kit and school shirts :p
baby food – it’s a bitch to get out!
Felt tip stains – on everything! x
Dirt from my daughters shoes – washing machine seems to not touch it
grass and pen
Grass stains, food, any stain really!
I would definitely try to get rid of biro, the amount of work blouses I have ruined thanks that item!!
Shirt Collars and Grass are the main stains presented by my children !
food and drink stains
Food and grass stains
I’d use the products on all the food stains I struggle to get out of my children’s clothes – mainly tomato based foods! Also, a few pen stained items of clothing and recently I got some make-up on a shirt of mine which I just can’t get out! I’d use the carpet cleaner on my bedroom carpet too, as there’s some staining on that from where our radiator exploded with hot, oily water (after the new carpet had only been fitted 2 months before!)
grease stains 🙂
My 7 month olds dinner 🙂 x