Scholl Foot Products Review and Giveaway

I never used to pay too much attention to foot care when I was younger and easily managed to wear ridiculously high heels, strappy sandals etc, but now I notice the aches and pain more now along with dry skin on feet especially around the heels.  A range that you can always rely on for great quality footcare is Scholl …

Looking after your feet in high heels

I’ve lived day in, day out in high heels for most of my adult years until I was pregnant seven years ago and my mum bought me my first pair of flats!  So I have been through, and suffered all sorts of aches, pains and blisters that heels can bring.  I remember tottering about on evenings out in 4 inch …

footner exfoliation socks skin peel

Footner Exfoliating Socks – Review

Footner is a revolutionary new way of combating hard, dry skin on the feet and they have come up with some exfoliating socks to leave your skin feeling baby soft. My feet have really suffered over the last couple of years since having children.  I have given them minimum attention and worn flip flops regularly over the last few summers …