I never used to pay too much attention to foot care when I was younger and easily managed to wear ridiculously high heels, strappy sandals etc, but now I notice the aches and pain more now along with dry skin on feet especially around the heels. A range that you can always rely on for great quality footcare is Scholl and I was please to try out some of their products below.
Scholl Fresh Step Spray is a simple to use spray that you use in your shoes to eliminate odour. You can use the spray before or after wear, just let the spray dry first before wearing and it should keep them odour free for 24 hours. I find this great to spray in shoes at the end of the day to freshen them up ready for the next time you wear them. I tend to use this more in trainers, especially after a trip to the gym!
Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream is just what I need for my feet. It pushes moisture deep into the skin to really hydrate them and leave them soft and smoother. I find that although it’s rich it really sinks into the skin and used daily, you soon notice much softer skin all over. It also has a pleasant gentle fragrance which leaves the feet fresh.
Scholl Party Feet are a girls best friend for high heels. Even though I don’t wear high heels as often as I used to, I do have some heeled boots which these are perfect in as the balls of my feet tend to get a bit sore by the end of the day. I also find these usefull for weddings and functions where you can be standing around chatting. These are a new slimmer version but still do the job. I find it useful to have several pairs and keep them in the shoes you wear most often.
If you’d like to win a set of the three Scholl products above then just fill in the Gleam form below:
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the items in order to write the review.
Use a salt scrub regularly which keeps them smooth.
Cover your feet in a moisturising foot cream and then put socks on before you go to bed.
put cream and wear sock to sleep!
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put cream on before bed!
Use a foot scrub once a week and moisture every night before bed
wash feet regular
Lots of moisturiser
For a feet treat – rub an intensive foot cream on your feet and leave overnight overnight – wear socks to keep your bedding clean. You’ll wake up to soft soft feet!
Put moisturiser on them at night
After bathing, slather on alot of coconut oil and cover with socks and your feet will be so soft the next day x
Moisturise your heels with a thick cream every night
Dry your feet thoroughly after washing them, especially between the toes which is where germs such as Athlete’s foot can easily breed.
Make sure you always dry properly between your toes, so there’s no damp space for athlete’s foot to grow
Mosturising daily with a foot cream, especially the heels.
Use footcream before bed
Keep nails short
massage baby oil in every night to stop dry skin
Moisturise feet and heels by using a good quality cream and sleeping with socks on
moisturise feet at bedtime and wear a pair of socks
Keep nails short, and soak regularly – a shower doesn’t do much for your feet
Dry between your toes!
Try to keep on top of moisturising , helps alot x
keep your feet clean and free of sweat as much as poss
Professional pedicure helps to keep feet smooth.
Always moisturise your feet with a suitable cream
Always make sure that you dry your feet properly after bathing.
moisturiser feet at bedtime and then put a pair of socks on
I use a foot file on my dry skin after every bath.
Keep up a daily routine of moisturiser
Soak your tired feet in hot water at the end of a long day
Make sure you Moisturise them 🙂
Soak and moisturise daily and wear shoes that fit well.
look after your feet, give them a pamper now and then
Remove hard skin regularly and keep them moisturised to prevent build up.
I used to have lovely, unblemished feet when I was younger too. Now I have to regularly get all the hard skin off with a loofah and moisturise
I soak them in a bowl of warm water and some baby oil.
Moisturise just before you put socks on, if they are really bad try moisturising just before bed and putting socks on whilst you sleep
Moisturise feet with baby oil before going to bed and wear socks to prevent greasy stains on bedding
never squeeze into tight shoes
Dont let hard skin build up, it hurts to walk on in the heat
Keep heels smooth after every shower to avoid skin splitting and becoming painful. Use a file and creams for soft and silky skin!
Regularly use a pumice stone (or similar) to keep hard skin at bay, and make sure you moisturise feet at night with any cream that absorbs well.
Use a good quality foot moisturiser every day, preferably at night and then wear cotton socks to bed which helps the moisturiser to work.
moisturise every night
Deep moisturising covered by a sock overnight – works a treat
Don’t wear flip flops all Summer, a year of wearing them in Australia caused my feet to spread & I went up a shoe size!
I put moisturising foot cream on every night before bed.
Cover your feet in moisturising cream, put on some bed socks and keep on over night for a gorgeous deep moisturise
Once a week use a rich cream to moisture the feet, sealed overnight with a pair of socks
ALWAYS wear properly fitting shoes!
Wear leather shoes that breathe & do not wear the same ones everyday to allow them to stay fresher
Put cream on them before bed
put a foot scraper in your bag when you go swimming so that you can slough off the dead skin when it is really soft.
Pedicures really make a difference
Gently rub of your hard skin, then cover your feet in moisturising cream, put on a pair of cotton socks and go to bed
regular pedicures
Nice pedicure every now and then and plenty of moisturiser every night
After soaking feet in warm water, use a pumice stone to smooth heels.
Put moisturiser on them after shower or bath
Moisturise at night before bed
Get your OH to give you a foot rub at least once a week 😉
rub moisturiser at night and wear socks afterwards
Exfoiliate regularly and moisturise daily 🙂
Never keep damp socks on!
Moisturise your feet as well as your legs.
moisturise, moisturise and clean those pores
cover your feet with vaseline and put socks over them overnight
Give them a good 15-minute soak, everyday if possible.
Scrub them with a pumice stone at least once a week 🙂
Use a good moisturiser.
Always trim your toenails straight across, never at an angle or down the edges. This can cause ingrown toenails.
Moisturise & rub them 🙂
Take care to moisturise your feet regularly and to look after patches of rough skin.
If you have really dry feet, lather plenty of a thick cream like a Shea butter moisturiser before bed. Pop on some socks and in the morning your feet will look a lot happier!
Change your shoes daily
Use a pumice stone at least once a week
Put moisturiser on before you go to bed, and wear socks in bed!
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go barefoot as much as possible
Moisurize! Vaseline is particularly good for very dry feet!
Love your feet and have a weekly foot scrub x
soak your feet
Pop moisturiser on before bed with some cotton socks, then in the morning use a sea salt scrub, will keep that hard skin at bay all day
Moisturise them daily
Wear good fitting shoes
Smother feet in rich moisturising cream followed by socks before going to bed
every week i cover my feet in foot cream and put socks on and sleep in them for the night in the morning my feet are baby soft.
Moisturise yr feet after a bath or shower keeps skin soft
Moisturizer and quality socks.
Always put talc on ur tootsieswhen ur wearing trainers to work out
Lots of moisturiser and use of pumice
Moisturise then put socks on
Regularly cut your nails.
put moisturiser and moisturiser socks on a night and wear in bed
Dry them well after washing, to prevent dry/sore skin!
Let your feet breathe as much as possible.
See a chiropodist from time to time – well worth it
Soak and buff weekly xx
Use your hair dryer on a cool setting to make sure feet are really dry after a bath or shower.
Lydia Graham recently posted…STOP SEAHORSE ABUSE!!!!!! >:(
I use an intensive moisturiser on my feet (especially heels) straight after getting out of the bath and I then put thin cotton socks on so the cream can soak in over a few hours, this mostly keeps hard skin at bay for me – just as well given I’m a bit on the lazy side with body maintenance 😀
Put vaseline all over your feet if you’re going for a run/exercising. No chafing plus a moisturising treatment! Pawpaw cream can be used instead of vaseline if you don’t want a petroleum product! 🙂
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
Sugar scrub a lot x
dry between your toes
Don’t wear shoes or slippers all the time let your feet breath sometimes
Moisturise them daily
i have a bath and shower combined so put the plug in to allow my feet to soak 🙂
Always dry your feet really well!
Let your feet breath.
After exfoliating use a body butter & let it totally sink in before putting shoes/socks on.
Don’t keep them covered all the time
smoother your feet in foot cream and put on socks before bed works a treat
Dont use a pumice stone or foot file on soft skin. Your foot will create hard skin to protect itself x
Wear clean socks or stockings every day!
Remember to apply sun cream on hot days if going barefoot or wearing sandals – feet need protection from the sun too!
Soak your feet with a drop of tea tree oil in the water.
Fresh revived feet
Always dry your feet properly
dry between your toes and make sure you wear the right size shoes
ALways make sure you dry them thoroughly
moisturise nightly before bed
invest in a good foot spa
For a cooling treat for tired feet- grab a couple of bottles of cold water from the fridge and roll your feet over them ( bottle must be round like a rolling pin ) you get a cool massage too !
Moisturize and Moisturize x
after a long day on your feet put your foot under the cold tap in the bath and run the cold water so bless
start of day ,,,,use talc powder in socks
Salt in warm water then plenty oil to soften the skin
Usually use a foot file after a bath and a good foot cream, afraid I neglect my feet a lot
Always dry feet after bathing or swimming x Thanks for the chance
moisturise daily x and a weekly pedicure x
moisurtise everyday
Moisturise and remove dead skin
rub cream in to your feet then wrap with cling film and leave to soak in.
Take a few minutes each day to moisturize your feet to keep them soft. Also using a exfoliating scrub once a week will keep them looking fab! x
Moisturise every night
not got any tip thats why i cold be doing with this prize my heels are bad maybe should say dont wear flip flops all the time ?
Treat yourself to a pedicure at the beginning and end of summer to help your feet deal with exposure in sandals, especially if you shower rather than soak in the bath
Soak your feet in hot water before cutting nails as it softens them making them cut easier
put foot cream on your feet, with cotton sock,s, makes your feet feel nice again plus hydrating them.. x
Gentle pumice weekly but daily moisturiser after bath/shower is the key to perfect feet
Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day & dry your feet well, making sure to dry between the toes.
Remember to moisturise your feet, it’s easy to forget about them!
moisturise an wear moisturising socks every night
pampering them with a good scrub and buffing away the hard skin, followed by rubbing them with some high moisture cream.
Foot cream on the heels through the summer x
At night when going to bed put on plenty of moisturiser and a pair of socks x
Always dry your feet well after every bath or shower, then 3 times a week use a nice rich foot cream to moisture the feet, sealed overnight with a pair of thin cotton socks. Your feet deserve a treat with all the hard work they do.
Talc your tootsies to help thick walking socks go on easily.
Take care of them by using lotions to keep soft, powders to keep dry and see a professional when they have problems
Step 1: Foot file straight after a shower or bath.
Step 2: Heel cream with more than 10% urea.
Step 3: cotton socks
Leads to soft perfect tootsies!
Regular pedicure
take care of dry skin after a bath
Moisturise your feet every day
Use plenty of moisturiser
do moisurise your feet
lots of moisturiser
I use a pumice stone and that keeps my feet soft and smooth x
Use cream regularly
elevate feet above the heart to reduce any swelling from long days on your feet
Lots of moisturiser!!
Soak your feet in warm water for 30mins in salt then dry and then use products
Poweder in your socks for soft skin
Feet up after a long day walking
Soak your feet in a bowl with warm water. Put some Radox salts in it. Feels amazing!
mY FEET CAN GET REALLY DRY AND LEATHERY, SO i moisturise a lot, or use scholl products when it gets really bad.
Lashings of moisturiser 🙂
Use a pumice stone on dry heels/feet after you have had a shower, It is much easier because your feet are all soft!
Rub on lots of moisturiser after you are finished too
Put lots and lots of moisturizer on your feet just before you go to bed and put some old socks on. When you wake up your feet will be so soft!
Dry your feet thoroughly after washing them.
I always smother my feet in cream and then put my bed socks on, in the morning my tootsies are soft!
Wear comfortable shoes to help keep problems from happening.
Use a pumice stone before moisturising to get rid of any hard skin
When applying Nail Varnish to your toe nails always apply a clear varnish or clear top coat varnish before you apply your coloured varnish then you will find when you remove it the colour won’t of stained your toe nails.
Aqueous cream is cheap & great moisturizer for feet apply at night and wear some white cotton socks the heat absorbs the cream.
Slather in vaseline before bed and wear socks….next morning you will have lovely soft feet
Get your partner to put cream on them. x
Wear well fitting shoes
Use a foot scrub and then use some old socks with some foot cream and leave to soak in overnight
Moisturize and wear cotton socks to bed.
Use a scholl pedi product regularly to keep your feet smooth
Use a scholl pedi product to keep your feet in tip top condition.
Wear decent shoes with proper arch supports
use the best quality products you can afford your skin will thank you for it
Moisturise them daily!
soak your feet in a good moisturiser and pop socks on top over night
Always wear something on your feet and lots of moisturiser.
Wear Shoes that Fit .
Don’t wear shoes that squash your toes.
Deal with issues with your feet as soon as you notice them – they won’t get better on their own!
massage and moisturise just before bed
Scrub tyour foor with a nail brush every day all over, but especially the soles , to keep them soft and relaxed
Always wear well fitting shoes
Soak your feet each week then exfoliate them and rub in lots of moisturiser.
Each week soak your feet then exfoliate them and put on plenty of moisturiser, it will keep them looking and feeling good.
Soak your feet in a hot water tub at least once a week
Look after your feet as you would your hands – wash, dry, moisturise and treat yourself to a pedicure
Put cream on at night
Moisturise and socks
Make sure to dry between your toes
Use plenty of moisturiser on your feet and wear comfortable shoes!
Invest in decent shoes
Put moisturising cream on your feet before bed, rub in well & wear cotton socks
I like to use a peppermint cream on my feet it helps keep them soft and revives them when tired
give you feet a good exfoliation and then cover your feet with Vaseline/moisturiser & cover with socks
Always wear correctly fitting shoes
soak your feet at least once a week
use a good scrub to get rid of dead skin
Moisturise them with hand cream before bed!
My feet are awful so I can’t give advice but will read all the other posts and get some ideas.
Moisturize morning and night and exfoliate 🙂
Always trim your toenails straight across, never at an angle or down the edges.
Wear well fitting shoes
I’m having showers every single night and wearing comfortable footwear, they seem to be fine 🙂
Exfoliate after a very warm bath
I put vaseline all over my feet and the cotton socks on before going to bed to get super soft feet
Give your feet a good soak a couple of times a week! Xx
Put cotton socks on after moisturising before going to bed
pat your foot dry and skin feels dry use moisturisers
Don’t wear the same shoes everyday – alternate heel heights to support your feet and hamstrings.
I put coconut oil on my feet before bed 😀
I use a scholl pedipro weekly xx
Soak feet in warm lightly oiled water, use baby oil, for 10 mins before removing hard skin as it will come off easier
Use moisturising cream
Put moisturiser on your feet just before bedtime
A minty flavour moisturiser atter a good warm soak
Regularly moisturise your feet
After bathing remember to dry your feet and toes completely to avoid any discomfort later.
wash in between your toes
Dont spend too much time in flip flops or high heels
Put coconut oil on your feet before bed and sleep in cotton socks
Moisturise every night before bed
Lots of cream on your feet and then put on pure cotton socks
Regularly file away hard skin and moisturize
Lots of moisturiser
Foot masks are a wonder! Do try them – they even sorted out my terrible feet!
Moisturise feet during the summer or winter
when holidaying in places like India, Pakistan, Africa always wear footware as many locals use the ground as a toilet – you don’t know what you are walking in with the heat drying up everything – with risks of catching infections if one is cut.
Don’t forget to moisyurise your feet with a foot moisturiser
put cream on them
Treat them to a foot spa as often as you can, and when possible although to breathe as much as possible
put cream on your feet every night
moisturising cream on every night after a nice soak socks on too leave over night
I use a good foot scraper and then moisturize before bed once a week.
a foot soak then plenty of lotion and finally sleep in socks
never abuse your feet with poor shoe choices, you have one set to last a lifetime.
Wear good fitting shoes and moisturise x
Always smother your feet in foot creme then put on cotton socks at bedtime,I used to have dreadful feet,hard dry skin,it was disgusting bus since doing this the difference has been incredible x
Moisturise before bed and the cream will do its magic whilst you are resting and not on your feet.
Moisturising before bed 🙂
Wear comfortable shoes!
Always wear good shoes that fit well. There is no such thing as “I’ll break these in”
Make sure you dry them properly after you shower and use a foot scrub
putting cream on in the evening
lots of moisturiser before bed and pop on a pair of socks to sleep in
make them lovely and soft
Keep a pumice on a stick in the shower – little and often is the way to defeat hard heel skin
don’t rush getting ready – make sure your feet are completely dry before putting anything on them. A quick blast with the hairdryer will help with this.
Moisturiser & socks at night x
instead of using a lotion, I tend to use a thick creamy body butter on my feet to give it that extra moisture
Smother feet in vaseline and put socks on before bed to get super soft feet the next morning
Look after them all year round. Use plenty of cream and an Egyptian sponge in the bath daily.
Always use a really good moisturiser daily and especially after showering 🙂
look after your feet staying mobile is so important
Always dry your feet thoroughly after showering and use a good moisturiser and wear cotton socks 🙂
Baby lotion
Smother your feet in body butter and cover with socks at bedtime…you will wake up with silky soft tootsies!
Dry carefully between the toes
Moisturise every night with an intensive cream.
Laura x
Wear properly fitting, supportive shoes that suit the activity you’re doing but when your at home – air those toes!
good shoes 🙂
Apply lots of moisturizer to feet before bed then sleep with socks on to lock in the moisture. In the morning your feet will be so soft and smelling yummy!
Moisturize your feet then wrap in cling film and put on socks before you go to bed, it really works a treat
Always get some air to your feet, as soon as home for the day kick the shoes and socks off
Moisturise well before bed before applying new socks, in the morning your feet will be so super soft.
keep them moisturised all year round so they look good when you need them to!
I honestly dont have one! I take awful care of my feet. I’m lucky they still let me stand on them to be honest! Will definitely be taking note of everyone elses comments though!
seamless cotton socks
Moisturise nightly.
I suffer with terrible dry skin and patches of psoriasis, it’s a nightmare to be honest
I used these products this is so good.