Do your kids love playing with Slime, Gelli and Fake Snow? Then Zimpli Kids have the answer to all of their messy play dreams with simple, easy to use products that kids love and parents don’t have to worry about too much mess. We were sent to review a selection of their products to try out and see what we …
Professor Scrubbington’s Review and Giveaway
Professor Scrubbington’s Emporium of Clean is a new brand range of young persons wash products with a quirky style that I love and products that have been thought about in both packaging and what’s inside. Suitable for both males and females, I was keen to see what my children thought about them. When my parcel of goodies arrived, I was …
Bath Treats from The Bath Mama – Review
There’s nothing better than some me time and a bit of pampering in the bathtub, so receiving some treats form The Bath Mama on the run up to my 40th birthday was just what I needed. The lavender bath petals come in a heart shaped box, consisting of three soap roses. The petals can be broken off the rose and …
Lush Blogger Night and Product Reviews
At the start of the summer I was invited to a blogger event at my local Lush store. Lush being that shop that emits a heavenly fragrance across the mall before you even reach it, inviting you to step inside and try it’s delectable handmade products. Being 100% vegetarian, not tested on animals and using only natural, ethical ingredients, this …
Bath Crayons with Bathtime Buddies
Bathtime Buddies Bath Crayons were an instant hit with my two children, the idea of drawing in the bath was fun, but actually being able to draw on the bath itself and the tiles proved even more exciting. Each pack contains five crayons, in bold looking colours although they aren’t as bold as they look, so don’t worry, these aren’t …
Fun at Bathtime with Bathtime Buddies
Making bathtimes fun for the children is essential for me, it can often be a drag getting them up to the bath, but if you have some fun things lined up, they soon relax and enjoy being in the bath and actually want to stay in there, despite initially asking me to wash them quickly so they can get straight …