Spring Garden Flowers from OK Bouquet

There’s nothing like a gorgeous bunch of flowers to brighten your day, and the ‘Spring Garden‘ bouquet from OK Bouquet certainly does that.  With it’s brightly coloured flowers in my favourite colour hues, pink and purple along with some added foliage, this really is a stunning bunch not to be missed.

OK bouquetThe flowers were delivered in a large box and a clever water box at the bottom which kept the flowers beautifully upright and perfectly watered. They were delicately wrapped and the flowers came out completely undamaged.

OK bouquet 2The bunch was huge and slightly too many for my largest vase, which was a bonus as it meant I could have two vases of beautiful flowers to adorn my house.  These flowers are really pretty and after a few days the tulips really started to bloom and show their full potential.

When looking at the OK Bouquet website, I have to say that all of the bunches are simply beautiful and seasonal so you really do get the flowers at their best. I was pleasantly surprised by the prices too, as the website looks far more expensive than the flowers are but these cost no more than any other flower delivery service I’ve used before and therefore definitely one I’ll come back to next time I need to send my mum a surprise bunch!

OK bouquet 3These flowers have really brightened my days for the last couple of weeks, they have lasted well with a few water changes and trimming the ends.  If you know someone that needs cheering up, it’s their birthday or you just want to say thank you, then why not check out OK Bouquet and see their amazing range of flowers that they have available.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.

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