Petits Filous #MagicSquaresPlaydates

Petits Filous Magic Squares are a brand new range with each pot containing two different flavours divided into squares so that you can try a bit of each flavour or mix up and eat both flavours at once.

petits filousThe yoghurt is soft and creamy, coming in two flavour combinations, Strawberry & Vanilla, and Raspberry & Vanilla and is packed full of vitamin D to help build strong bones.

So what did my children think:

4yr old Mister B
“Can I have another one when I finish this one please mummy?”

7yr old Miss M
“Scrummy yummy in my tummy”

The above replies I got to my question about their verdicts, translates to me in both cases, a resounding success.  They loved the flavours, they were easy to eat, they enjoyed them and I’ll buy them again!

So with Petits Filous mixing up the magic in their new Magic Squares range, what do we do at home to mix up the magic during play.

We like to make sure we have lots of different activities planned during the day so that we don’t get bored.  With Mister B at home with me all day on a Friday we really try and mix up the magic by changing activity every hour from a bit of craft making, to playing with toy cars, to board game playing, to a bit of gardening if the weather is dry and Mister B’s favourite – some baking in the kitchen.

Last week’s cooking activity was biscuits, not just any old biscuits but minion biscuits!  Well the excitement on Mister B’s face said it all when he knew what we were doing and he couldn’t wait to get started!

minionsHe was really keen to get stuck in and do all the baking himself, from mixing, rolling, cutting out, icing, and decorating, until he produced these….

minions 2Aw, he was so pleased with his biscuits and couldn’t wait to show his big sister when she finished school!  By throwing in different activities we keep the play magic mixed up and the children entertained!

This post is an entry for BritMums #MagicSquaresPlaydates Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous

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