Everyone likes to keep a diary of some sort to try to organise their day to day lives. I normally have a small diary then end up with lots of bits of paper stuffed in it or separate notepads on the go. So when I discovered some gorgeous Personal Planners I was intrigued to find out more. They let you customise each element of the design from the picture on the front, to the page layout inside, even down to the colour of the ruler and elastic that holds it closed!
I have ordered a planner to review and can’t wait for it to arrive, a lovely size to keep all my dates, things I need to do and lists in. There are additional pages at the back which you can choose to have either as plain pages, colouring in pages, puzzles etc. The personalisation is great, so much more than just picking a front cover, it really lets you change each aspect to create a truly unique planner.
If you would like to win one of these lovely planners for yourself, the perfect way to organise your life for 2014, then enter my giveaway below. The winner will receive a code allowing them to choose and customise their own planner in any design of their choice.
Open to UK entrants only
Winners will be emailed and will need to reply within 5 days or a new winner will be drawn
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com
I dont! Thats why in need one of these 🙂 x
Scraps of paper and a calendar – not very organised at all really.
i’m always very organise! lol
Lists everywhere! Yellow sticky notelets too!
A note pad & lots of post it sticky reminders everywhere
I use a calender
Lists, i have list for everything i need to do, still manage to forget something though
To do lists…. lots of them…
I use lots of to-do lists. They’re all over the place!
With post it notes stuck all over the place!
i use a note pad
[…] Little Stars* (https://mummyslittlestars.com/personal-planner-giveaway/) Link added to daily RC […]
Sticky notes stuck in random places.
I use post-its and scraps of paper that I stuff in my bag and forget about. I used to use my phone but I couldn’t figure out how to use it properly.
with notepad on the computer
I don’t, I’m very unorganised.
Lists in my diary, lists on the kitchen noticeboard, Post Its on the back of the front door, lists in my purse, sticky notes on my laptop, a letter rack filled with various notes on scraps of paper – it really isn’t an ideal system!
i use my diary
I dont. i have post it notes to tell me where my post it note are, really need this , xxx
A white board in the kitchen and an app on my phone called Wunderlist
a calender
sticky notes 🙂
i dont i keep forgeting things
By getting up early, clearing the kitchen, doing the washing or inroning in the morning and making lists as I go along, crossed off the list, Grandads present has gone in the post….
i need to get organised
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lists and my filing cabinet
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I use my planner!
lots of lits
Small white board
writing things on lots of post it notes
im not!
Post it notes everywhere! Lol
I have a pretty good memory but there are always a few things I forget so as I randomly remember them, I note them on a “to do list”
I don’t
loads of bits of paper attached to the fridge with magnets that always fly off when somebody (usually moody teen) slams the fridge door shut, and all the bits of paper fly off under the fridge
I make to-do lists. 🙂
At the moment i’m using a phone app – but i find it much more efficient to write things down!
I don’t…. I’ve missed two doctors appointments, a night out with friends.
very badly 🙁 bits of newsletters on the kitchen table and my mind
I don’t, I’m terribly disorganised. :/
Im not organised at all!!! I so need one of these!
I don’t hence am always forgetting various appointments.
Lots of lists.
epricetemp@googlemail.com recently posted…Berry Smoothie Conditioner
I have a notice board covered in tatty pieces of paper with dates/times on 🙂
I have a handbag sized diary
With great trouble lol
Scraps of paper, that generally haven’t got full message on so when I find them, end up wondering whose number it is p, or what’s happening on that date.
Lots of little scraps of paper and post its attached to everything – fridge, car steering wheel, the cat!
I don’t – rely on family to remind me.
Old fashioned written list
By memory and not doing too well at it!
Wall calendar
I phone and scraps of paper
bits of reminders on paper everywhere
lists lists lists! and if i deviate from my list…chaos!!
I don’t!! I make lists and loose them! 🙂
Old fashioned diary.
calendar on my phone
I don’t! I seem to be constantly behind and doing everything at the last minute 🙂
lots of memos on my phone
Post-its on my fridge atm its a lovely array of colours especially with al the chocolate finger prints on them where the kids have been think I need to throw a few out
Lists upon lists that then get drawn on by children or used for shopping lists so not very organised at all so one of these would be perfect
Wall calender
atm i write it in my uni notes book! but thats so disorganised its a wonder why i bother.
I don’t i am useless
What a fab idea love this diaries
I don’t!! LOL, that’s the problem x
Yellow post it notes – thats why i am so scatty at the moment
I use post it notes, scraps of paper and the back of my hand
Currently everything is on my phone but i never remember to charge it so tend to miss things more than I should
My phone
I write everything down and we have a pinboard we put school and important info on 🙂
print out monthly calendar, stick on fridge and enter info as soon as i find out eg appointments, school stuff, parties x
Lots of lists on my iPod – not the best!
I use scraps of paper scattered on my desk. I used to have a planner which was great for organising stuff but I used it all up, been meaning to get a new one!
A massive pinboard with lots of notes on it
I’m ok at the moment as i’m off on maternity leave – am going to need something to help when I go back to work in January & this planner looks fab. I usually get by using various apps on my phone but they only work if you remember to check them!
I’ve got a blackboard for shopping lists etc but i’m not very organised x
I try to write things that need doing on a chalkboard in the hall. However it it my new years resolution to get more organise.
I don’t I’ve got bits of paper everywhere!!
post it notes put on many surfaces to remind me
I don’t – thats why I need a planner!
I have a wall calendar in my kitchen which I write absolutely everything on as my memory is terrible! But I really do need something I can carry around with me, as if friends ask me if I’m free I always have to say can i let you know when I get home and check the calendar!
I don’t that’s why I need this
I have a notebook I make lists of everything I need to do in. I haven’t looked at it recently though :/
i don’t i put important appointments in my phone but the rest are forgotten 🙁
Set reminders in my phone
I’m professional, I’m always organised, stay away from scatty brained people, loads of which are in town centres and shopping malls, supermarkets (hurling uneducated comments thinking they are clever)