
Pastry Canapé Ideas using Pidy – Review

Pidy are a supplier of a wide range of ready to fill pastry products, with many small canapé size shapes ideal for parties and gatherings.  We were sent some mini round vol-au-vent shaped pastry cases – Zakouski’s and some Spoonettes.

Pidy2For the Zakouski’s, it is suggested to heat them in the oven prior to filling to give a delicious, light puff pastry.  I did this before letting them cool slightly then adding my filling.  I decided to make a Feta cheese, Wild Rocket Pesto and Tomato filling by mashing 80g of Feta cheese with 3 teaspoons of the pesto and spooned this into each pastry case.  I then added a quarter of a baby plum tomato to the top.

Pidy1Personally I found these absolutely delicious as they included some of my favourite flavours.  I made these when I had some visitors to get their opinions too, and they loved them and we all agreed that the pastry was really light and crisp.  So quick to make as well, perfect for when you are short on time or have lots to make or just purely for convenience!

I then decided to try the Pidy Spoonettes, in which I thought I’d put a sweet filling into.  As I’m trying to eat healthily at the moment, I used a pre-made chilled low fat chocolate and hazelnut dessert that I simply spooned into the pastry spoonettes.  I then added a quarter of a strawberry on top to finish off!  A very quick, simple and heavenly sweet canapé!

Pidy3I’ve really enjoyed trying the Pidy pastry range, it’s really opened my eyes up to the sort of products available to make your life easier.  With a busy family the idea of making pastry canapés often puts me off due to time but with these Pidy pastry shells, it literally takes minutes.  I would definitely use these for a family celebration where we have a few people round and a few drinks or New Year’s Eve would be a good time to use them as well.

Thanks to food PR agency CLIP Creative and PR for the samples



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  1. Mummy of Two says:

    I love your filling for the spoons – they look great and are really quick and easy to prepare too.

  2. Tina Mansfield says:

    They all look very yummy! especially the strawberry spoons 🙂

  3. spicers1976 says:

    very pretty and they look yummy

  4. ERM……. Drool…..Strawberries and Chocolate! I really love the look of the spoons!!

  5. please make me the chocolate strawberry when i visit! they look so yummy!
    Eileen Teo recently posted…Bring Barny to ScotlandMy Profile

  6. Both sets of canapes look absolutely delicious, definitely the wow factor for your guests!

  7. I love the Feta and Pesto idea, I’ve never tried that, but it sounds awesome 🙂

  8. They all look rather yummy, will be trying ours out this week
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