National Board Game Week with Pork Farms

Having just come to the end of National Board Games Week, it’s been great to get the family together, sat down without gadgets, happily playing good old fashioned board games!  To help celebrate the week, the UK’s leading Pork Pie manufacturers, Pork Farms.
PorkFarms_BoardGames3With some fun, downloadable bingo style sheets to use during play where you need to cross of certain achievements in each game and then printable certificates to hand to the winners, this made our weekend of game playing even more fun!

WP_20160502_14_48_53_ProWith Hasbro leading the way in fun family games, we dug into our games cupboard and found some fond favourites, Connect 4, Guess Who and Monopoly.  We were also sent Game of Life to try out, something I remember playing at friends houses when I was younger, and a game I knew my children, particularly 8yr old Miss M would love.

gamesGame of Life is quite literally a board game that takes you through the journey of life, from graduating from college, getting your first job, marriage, children, earning lots of paychecks and then heading for retirement.  The board game is well made with a good quality spinner attached to the board.  You also get cars to use as players counters to which you can add pegs representing people.  There are cards for landing on certain squares that allow you to earn more money along the way.  The journey ends when you all reach retirement and the winner is the person who has made the most money throughout their board game life!

games 3Miss M loved being banker alongside playing and picked up the rules straightaway.  Her verdict on the game was ‘brilliant’ and ‘I love it’.  Mister B played with assistance from us but soon got to grips with what he was doing, just needed a little help with his money.  We all absolutely loved playing this game and it was played over and over all weekend.

In the evening we did play our old family favourite, Monopoly, which Miss M loves as she acquires property and builds her empire charging mummy and daddy for landing on what she owns.  She was determined as ever this weekend and used the bingo card we had printed out, and surprise, surprise, she was our little winner!  As you can see she was thrilled.

WP_20160502_14_48_19_ProBoard games are a fantastic way to entertain the whole family.  If you’ve had fun playing games with your family over the past week, then send your best photo to Pork Farms on either Facebook or Twitter using hashtag #porkfarmsgames by Friday 6th May for a chance to win a whole stack of board games and a years supply of pork pies!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received a game in order to write an honest review.

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