Day to Day

Mister B’s 1st Birthday!!

So a year has passed since that amazing day that my little boy was born.  My gorgeous Mister B was 1 on Sunday.  I am so proud of him and of how much he has achieved in his first year – he is such a happy little boy and is so interested and excited in all the new things he sees and learns about each day.

To celebrate his 1st birthday we had just a small family affair which was just as well. Poor Mister B is teething badly at the moment – a rather large top front tooth has just poked through the gum – causing pain and a rather bad case of nappy rash.  But we managed to enjoy the day, with his one of his favourite new toys being a helium balloon which he loved waving around whilst lying on his back.

DSCF3398All too soon, the day came to an end but we have lots of lovely memories of the day and Miss M is enjoying checking out all his new toys.

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