
Making life easier with Bacofoil

Bacofoil is a long established brand in the world of kitchen foil, but did you know about all the other fabulous baking paper’s and food bags that they produce?  I have spent the last few weeks trying some out and have to say they have all done the job perfectly and been a pleasure to use, preventing my food from sticking whilst cooking and keeping my sandwiches fresh on days out.


For days out over the Summer we always like to take a picnic with us and especially when it’s hot, it’s important to try to keep the food fresh and cool.  The foil sandwich bags from Bacofoil are perfect for this and will easily hold a large round of sandwiches in any size bread, great for freshly sliced bread or you could even pop a couple of rolls inside.  I found these much better than wrapping them in cling film as I usually would and they tasted perfect when we ate them a few hours later.

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I also used the kitchen foil to wrap up some other savoury items we took with us and the wrap is thick and strong and kept them protected until we ate them.

The foil is also great for grilling, we eat a lot of veggie burgers and sausages which we always grill and this foil ensures they can easily be turned over without sticking.


Our next challenge was a hit with the children – making homemade pizza which they love.  They each made their own individual bases and decorated them in tomato puree, chicken, cherry tomatoes and grated cheese.  Of course we didn’t want these to stick to the baking trays so we used pieces of Bacofoil Non-Stick Paper underneath.

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I have to say that when I slid the spatula under the hot, freshly cooked pizza’s, they just glided off the paper to the plates with ease.  It was brilliant and well worth using when you are baking anything dough based in the oven.

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This paper could also be used for biscuits, flat breads etc and makes life a whole lot easier and saves greasing baking sheets, which also makes the washing up a whole lot simpler!

I’ve love trying out the Bacofoil samples and they have all proved a success in everyday cooking and picnics out and about.  I’ll definitely be using them again, they are well worth checking out.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.





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