The Magic Dip Design Studio from Character Toys is aimed at ages 8+ and allows children to be creative and cleverly marbleise any object or material of their choosing. The set allows children to choose their own colours and create a unique design every time before easily clearing the ink away and starting again.
The set contains:
- 1 Design Art Station
- 6 colour paint bottles
- 1 large bowl
- 1 small bowl
- Glossy spray
- Glitter
- Stirrers
- A pair of tweezers
- A glove
- A7 greeting cards
- A5 greetings cards
- Gems
- Glitter
- String
It’s quite a simple concept although is quite tricky to get right and you have to work quickly hence the age guide. The art station is simple to assemble and set up and makes a nice working area to keep your tools on and work from . To start you need to fill one of the bowls with water. It is then as simple as squirting drops of coloured ink onto the water, we found 2 or 3 colours worked best and then using the stirrer to swirl the inks together to make a pattern.
We started by dipping large simple items such as the bracelet and headband. My 8yr old daughter enjoyed this and soon got the hang of it. The dyes sit on the surface of the water so as you dip an item in, the dye lifts like a skin and wraps itself around the object. Any surplus dye left on the water can easily be removed with the stirrer tool afterwards and the water is ready to add another set of coloured dyes to.
Miss M then tried some trickier smaller beads which she had to be careful holding with the tweezers. These actually worked really well and she made a really pretty bracelet when they were dry using the string included in the set.
Miss M tried various combinations of colours and dipped different objects included in the set such as a picture frame and some birthday cards and gift labels. Although these were essentially cardboard, they did have a shiny surface and were completely able to be dipped briefly into the water to get a coating of the coloured dyes.
One thing you do have to do is make sure you work quite quickly as the dyes dry so you need to know what colours and item you are dipping before you start. Also when you dip the object you need to give it one dip and out otherwise you will ruin the pattern. It is quite simple though and once you’ve had a couple of goes, you’ll know exactly what you are doing. I think the finished results look really effective, better than we expected when we first started. The set includes some gems and glitter to jazz up your items and make them even prettier.
We were quite impressed with the results we got on some of the gift labels above, particularly the brightly coloured one.
A great selection of handmade goodies that you can keep yourself or give away as gifts. You can also use any objects of your own to dip and make other tie dyed items. There is plenty of dye included in the set and we only used a small amount to do the above objects so the craft set can be used several times over with other objects.
Here is Miss M showing off her headband and bangle. She really enjoyed the Magic Dip Design Studio and was definitely the right age for it. For any young craft fans out there, this is fun and a little different – a great one for Christmas lists!
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.