iWhite Instant Tooth Whitening Treatment – Review

iWhite Instant is a home teeth whitening treatment that gives instant results.  I have to say my immediate thoughts are a little sceptical as to will it work, but I was eager to give it a try.  With five sets of trays to be used over five days, the kit looked simple to use but would it be worth it?

whiteEach set of trays contains a tray for the top and bottom set of teeth.  You simply peel of the foil lid and place in your mouth.  Then leave for 20 minutes before removing and rinsing any excess gel off of the teeth.  I found this really simple to do and best done in the evening when the children were in bed.

iwhite 2The first day I used this I wasn’t expected to notice any change at all, but was rather pleasantly surprised.  My teeth were visibly whiter, better than they have looked in ages, not that they were ever really yellow, but clearly a few shades whiter than normal.  Being so impressed with the initial results I showed the husband who immediately agreed with me, he could see a difference too!!  I was very pleased and couldn’t wait to get to day 5.

iwhite 3As you can see my teeth are noticeably a few shades whiter which I am really happy with.  The product is easy to use, only takes 20 minutes a day with no effort required and definitely gives results, a great way to pep up your teeth before a big event or suchlike.  I think iWhite Instant does what it says on the box and would recommend!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the products in order to write the review.

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