Horlicks is a drink I remember fondly from childhood, as a warming drink on a cold winters day, or a drink before bedtime to give me a good nights sleep. They now produce a ‘Light Chocolate’ version with 55% less fat than the original recipe, meaning less calories per cup – perfect!
A mug of Horlicks Traditional is packed with 14 key nutrients including Vitamin B6 which contributes to the normal functioning of both the nervous and immune system and can reduce tiredness and fatigue. It is also low fat and a source of protein.
As well as the powedered drink, Horlicks have released some vintage inspired goodies to store your Horlicks in and drink it out of. I love the old fashioned style tins and they make a great accessory for the kitchen.
I’ve been having a nightly cup of Horlicks over the last week or so when the evenings have been chilly and have to say the taste really surprised me. It seemed nicer than I remember from years ago and definitely a drink I’ll include in my bedtime routine over the winter months. It’s frothy and creamy yet so simple to mix up with hot water, well worth a try!
If you fancy trying the Light range of Horlicks along with the memorabilia shown above, then just enter my giveaway below to win a bundle of goodies:
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.
Reading before bed helps me sleep better.
Quiet time before bed to feel more relaxed, warm bath and a good book in bed works wonder for me.
Switch technology off at least half an hour before bedtime.
I always have a little read of my book.
read a book to relax
I don’t sleep too well but clean sheets are one thing that does help.
I’m always tired so always have a good nights sleep. I make sure it’s completely silent and dark.
A warm shower, hot drink and relax with a book.
Read a book this always helps me get to sleep 🙂
I always read, then listen to natural sounds, to help me nod off
Lavender spray on my pillow helps me sleep better
Get into a routine and no caffeine
I spray a lavender product onto my pillow every night 🙂
I always make sure everything for the following day is done at least an hour before going to bed. That way I can start winding down before snuggling up in bed with a good book 🙂
I find a bath and a book helps me sleep 🙂
No screen time half an hour before hand and no eating two hours before bed.
Basically half hour of chilling out before bed.
Reading a magazine makes me drift off almost immediately.
story time before bed always works for me x
A nice relaxing bubble bath with classical music xx
A special cuddle, haha 😉
Nice relaxing bath a mug of horlicks and read a good book
warm milky drink and to relax before bed
Warm milky drink and eat a banana (read it somewhere – tried it – and it really works)
don’t use your phone or tablet in bed, its stimulates the brain.
Chamomile tea x
Nice cup of Hot Chocolate x
Wendyg recently posted…#MySundayPhoto
Eating at a sensible time.
i warm my pj’s on the radiator 🙂
Nice long soak in a bubble bath, I don’t have any problems sleeping
Be tired!
Normally have a hot milk
Listening music helps me sleep when I have a rough day.
Bath and hot chocolate
Definitely no ipad or TV in bed, and read a book or kindle (but not kindle on an ipad or kindle fire etc).
My top tip is to relax before going to bed.. so I have started switching off the laptop about an hour before and doing some colouring instead!
Hannah x
A nice hot cup of Horlicks always helps me get a good nights sleep and it so soothing and delicious
a nice hot shower before bed, fresh sheets, makes such a difference
A warm bath, milky drink and a good book
A cool bedroom and a warm bed.
i have a bath before bed
a nice hot bubble bath with lavender
Never go to sleep on an argument!
Don’t have kids 😀
nice warm bath, hot drink, comfy pjs and reading/audiobook
close your eyes
Warm drink (non-alcoholic) and a snack about an hour before going to bed to settle to sleep.
a cold pillow…but then my hubby thinks Im mad
A good book usually helps me get in frame of mind to sleep
Go for a run, then relax with a nice warm cup of Horlicks 🙂
Make sure you are really tired before trying to get to sleep.
A warm bath and a good book
A nice warm bath before bed.
Nice hot bath before bed, relaxing.
A warm bath and the house all peaceful and quiet at least a good hour before bed
Nice soothing music with the headphones on…or even a meditation app..I never hear all of it!
A cup of chamomile tea and a few drops of lavender oil on the pillow
Yoga before bed
avoiding caffeine
Read a book, a proper book, even if only for a short while until you feel sleepy
A hot bath and a good book of course! X
A relaxing bath and a good book
Relax before sleeping, I always read a book. I also switched off the clock radio in our room as I found myself constantly waking up and checking the time – I sleep much better now.
Nice clean sheets!
a warm milky drink
Keep a good, straight-forward and easy routine!
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Lavender is lovely to relax the body in a bath and on the pillow. Plus, I always find reading helps me to get sleepy. ☺️
A nice hot bubble bath and a cuppa hot chocolate
nice hot choc and chill for half hour then sleep x
reading helps me
I always try and switch off by losing myself in a book for half an hour in bed.
Hot chocolate about half an hour before bed
a hot bath warm drink and a good book is what i do
A nice long walk and a bath.
relax in a hot bubble bath.
A good book and lavender oil
No technology for at least an hour before bedtime.
a bath and a book
Reading a chapter or two of a book always help me drift off to sleep
Making sure I turn don’t use my phone, tablet or laptop after ten at night seems to help me x
Good pillows, clean bedding, a nice book to read and preferably a hubby who doesn’t snore!
A bubble bath & book
I always like to have a read before bed
i always have a nice relaxing bath before bed, and put a few drops of lavender oil on my pillow
hiot bath, good book, windows open and of course a cup of horlicks!
I try not to use any technology at least an hour before bedtime, clean sheets, I always turn my pillow over at night as dust and pollen settle on it during the day.
a lovely bath , fresh bedding aswell
Don’t have technology in the bedroom – the rules of feng shui suggest that anything other than sleep should be done elsewhere 🙂
I always listen to calming music to wind down when I’m in bed.
Turn off all the gadgets (hard to do I know!), make a hot drink and try to wind down before you turn the lights off 🙂
Read a book
Nice fresh clean bedding and comfortable snuggly pyjamas
A milky drink and a good book generally work for me
Reading before bed makes my sleepy. 🙂
I always drink a mug of nighttime tea an hour before bed and read a few pages in bed. I use a lovely smelling lavender pillowspray too that usually does the trick
Reading always makes me drop off….just wish I knew how to stay asleep 🙁
Having a hot drink and reading a book before bed helps me sleep.
Good curtains to block out light and noise
Warm shower and climb in to a freshly made bed. Bliss
I read befor I go to bed it makes me tired
A warm drink and unwinding with a good book.
A long, steamy bath does the trick for me!
Turn off the TV and mobile. Put your worries to one side. Cup of tea.
Definitely wind down before bed, a nice soak in the bath and a good book
Read before bed
Listening to some thunderstorm soundtrack makes me fall right off to sleep!
Warm bath and lavender oil on your pillow – helps me drop off
fresh cotton sheets
some instrumental music playing softly while you nod off
Don’t take your phone to bed with you, stops you from the urge to use and helps your mind unwind
Read a good book with a hot drink
Keep away from phones laptops and tablet devices for at least an hour before bedtime
My best tip is not to have children! but failing that, going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, and a milky drink, like horlicks before bed
A nice warm bath with a glass or two of wine, a nice massage then a good book (just a chapter or two)
Warm milky drink and my kindle works nightly..
Lavender spray on the bed sheets.
A warm milky drink before bed always helps me to sleep better.
Don’t watch anything violent, loud or troublesome on TV right before bedtime.
Leave your mobile downstairs!
Turn off technology at least 1 hour before you want to go to sleep!
try to relax before going to bed.
Wear something really comfy in bed. Nice, soft fabrics, nothing with straps that dig in or something that twists round you in the night.
Get into an evening routine, and stick to it as much as possible (even on weekends!)
Nice bath and warm drink x
avoid watching TV for the last hour before bed
Have a notebook and pen on the side table, that way if you find that you have thoughts running through your mind preventing you from sleeping you can write them down. This will remove them from your thoughts and let you sleep peacefully.
No technology an hour before bed
a fantastic warm bath
a warm bubble bath
I put on Mellow Magic on my DTV and turn the volume down low. With the ‘sleep’ timer set I listen to slow songs to drift off to sleep.
fresh air in the bedroom, and a regular routine
Definitely try to read before bed to take your mind off your worries!
a relaxing bath
Leave the window slightly open for fresh air x
No screens, a warm drink and a cool room!
A large brandy
Don’t use your phone right before bed
nice hot shower, fresh bedclothes, bliss!
A hot steamy bath with candles and a bath bomb.
I read a few pages of a book.
always sleep with the window open just a little
Don’t use technology before bed
A relaxing bath and book before bed
Use apps such as flux if you use technology to dim the lights on your laptop/phone when the sun goes down and have a set bedtime, go to bed around the same time each day.
A hot milky drink and lavender essence on my pillow
a nice warm bath then reading a book in bed
Bath before bed
watch an ASMR video on youtube – they are very relaxing and help you fall asleep
a wee bit of reading
warm milky drink and to relax with a book before bed
It’s all about routine – deviate from it at your own risk!
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A hot milky drink before bed
Leave technology, games and tv alone for half and hour before going to bed and it should stop your mind from racing when in bed.
No phones in the bedroom.
Don’t watch tv an hour before you go to sleep
warm bath dimlight and quiet reading
Wash your sheets frequently. Nothing better than clean sheets to help sleep
A very dark bedroom
A warm shower and some quiet time Thanks
No technology in the bedroom
I like listening to music before bed
Warm shower or bath and a hot drink
Read a good book to relax
Make sure your bedroom’s not full of clutter! An untidy room makes it more difficult to relax and sleep…
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Whiskey and Horlicks works everytime
Quiet time before bed, no TV or phone
I always warm the bed first before getting in…I hate the chill of cold sheets on my legs 😉
Have a quiet relaxing time reading before bed.
no caffeine after 8pm,
Send the kids to their grandparents 😉 Or a nice warm milky drink before bed x
Use a nice relaxing music in the background blocks out noises and helps take your mind off stuff
Turn off any screens at least half an hour before sleep time (i.e, mobile, laptop, tablet, TV etc)
I hot bath, cosy pj’s a warm drink and then wrap up in bed with a book
Turn off the telephone
A nice warm bath before bed
cool, dark room with lavender essential oil drops on your pillow xx
Warm bath and a good book xx
Reading a good book before going to bed
A lovely steaming mug of chocolate horlicks and i read a book til i drop off…always helps x
A nice hot bath with a glass of wine and a good book .x
horlicks and a dash of rum to make you sleep like a baby
I find turning off technology and writing down things helps me calm down enough for sleep.
hot bath & a hot chocolate
A bath and a good book
A hot bath and reading before bed helps me sleep better.
A hot bath, no caffeine and a good book <3
Leave all electronics out of the bedroom
nice bath and hot drink will send u on nice sleep (and pregnancy pillow atm)
A hot bath, warm milky drink and a good read snuggled up in bed always help me get to sleep and sleep well x
Lavender body lotion
no caffine or computers an hour before bed x
Try to relax before bed with a book or a hot bath
Comfortable pillows! No neck aches, back aches or head aches.
A hot milky drink and a good book to read
always have a cold room – makes me want to snuggle under those duvets and get a good nights sleep even more
A nice warm drink and bubbly bath .
Lavender pillow spray helps me sleep x
I have a hot drink. Either Horlicks or Hot Chocolate. I also find eating a Banana 15 minutes before bedtime, helps me sleep xx
read for 45 minutes before going to bed
Having a good one hour read before bed! Best way to relax for me 🙂 x
Hot bath with a cup of horlicks and clean bedding with a disney movie
a nice relaxing bath before bed always calms a child down
milky drink
don’t watch scary tv programmes or films before bedtime
No caffeine after 6pm, hot bath, Horlicks and read a relaxing book – nothing scary or too exciting!
turn off electronic devices at least half an hour before bedtime. I don’t drink coffee or tea after 4pm. If I want a hot drink I have fruit or herbal tea, or hot chocolate.
Have a nice warm bath
make sure your bedroom is at the right temperature and that it is a quiet, peaceful room that you look forward to relaxing in at night
spray a lavender scent around the room
Don’t do any computer work after dinner and begin dimming lighting and noise at least an hour before bedtime.
I try and use a few relaxations techniques and some meditation.
A good routine works wonders for me
A mug of warm milk before bed
clean sheets and cut out the coffee
my tip would be a warming drink and quiet time befoe bed x
Sleep at the same time every night!
Lovely warm bath and read a book before bed x
Warm drink and a good book
Get a routine, turn all gadgets off at least an hour before bed and ban them from the bedroom!
a hot bath with some lavendar bath bubbles, then jump into bed and read a book until i cool down a bit and fall asleep
If you have a snoring partner or other noises going on, then ear plugs work wonders for me. Nothing fancy, think mine were a quid from a local discount store! xx
Make sure your bedroom is the right temperature
I like to read in bed, this always helps me get to sleep.
a cup of chamomile tea x
Relax for half an hour reading or watching tv before bed.
keep the electronics out of the bedroom
I have a little bag of lavender that I keep my bed as that makes me so drowsy
warm bath, warm drink then bed & book
nice warm bath, clean bedding and pjs & a horlicks
clean sheets and a warm drink works for me every time
nice warm bath, clean bedding and pjs & a horlicks
No caffeine after 6pm and don’t look at your phone/ipad within an hour of going to bed!
Switch technology items off at least an hour before going to bed.
Keep to a routine!!
Think nice thoughts, remember good holidays and I’m soon asleep
No computer screens an hour before bed!
I always read a good book
Clean sheets and clean pj’s – bath before bed and no phones/technology in the bedroom.
no bright lights or gadgets for an hour before bed
I read for about half hour
A good routine is essential. For us its a bath about 30 mins before bedtime that usually works perfectly.
Switch technology off an hour before sleep. I always read a book.
have a routine
Always wind down so you feel relaxed and sleepy. I can never sleep if I go to bed before I get tired!
Switch off technology an hour before sleep. I love to read a book.
temperature. cool room is better than hot. you’ll be warm under the duvet anyway
i read a book x
Nice relaxing bath, hot drink and a good book
Hot drink, read book, dark room that is not too warm
A nice hot bath does it for me
Relax before bed
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No TV in the bedroom!!
A bath, fresh bedding, and reading my book…
No screens at least an hour before bed. Cup of tea, classic fm and a book! Will put you to sleep real quick! 🙂
Go to bed exhausted
nice bath, warm drink and a good book
Turning TVs/laptops off half an hour before bed.
No tech after lights out makes a massive difference.
Send the kids to the Grandparents for a sleep over
No sugar before bed – makes you way too buzzy!
Don’t take smart phones and tablets into the bedroom
Warm drink and a warm bath
Leave your bedroom window open a crack to air the room out before bedtime.
A nice hot bath
Read a good book for at least ten minutes before going to sleep!
to share with my three grandsons xxx
Having a routine before bed – e.g. milky drink, bath and bedtime story and then to bed the same time each night.
Turn off all gadgets an hour before bed. Then a hot drink and a good book 🙂
Turn off your phone notifications, TV etc no reaching to check messages. That screen will suck you in and keep you awake!
You can’t sleep if you are not tired
not to take smart phones or tablets in to the bedroom
A relaxing bath
reading in bed with a hot drink x
Lock the hubby in the shed, send the children their grandparents and star fish 🙂
No gadgets for an hour before bed time!
I grate a little nutmeg onto my hot chocolate. A tip handed down from my nan. 🙂
Listening to some relaxing music and Lavender room spray
Read for at least half an hour, but longer if you don’t feel tired. just keep reading until your eyelids droop.
I always have a warm bath and read a book before bed
a nice mug of horlicks
A bubble bath and no phone or computer screens for an hour before bed.
enter competitions
Relaxing bath before bed
If you can’t sleep, get up and have a walk around the house and then return to bed
Some lavender on your pillow
A cool dark room helps!
Limit the use of screens before bed 🙂 x
Don’t eat too late.
no screen time for at least an hour before bed and no screens in the bedroom not even to charge.
ellie spider recently posted…Weeks 2 & 3
I read – it makes my eyes tired and I soon drop off to sleep.
Reading helps.
I have a relaxing bath with the lights dim and some candles then I put warm pjs on and get into bed with a hit milky drink 🙂
blackout curtain all year long 🙂
fresh air and exercise induces sleep x
I always read before going to sleep, although sometimes this results in me falling asleep before I put the book down!
I have an Horlicks any time especially love to have one in bed before having a good sleep
swap computers and android devices for a good book at least an hour before sleeping
A relaxing bath and a mug of Horlicks with a plain Biscuit….zzzz
Turn off the TV an hour before bed!
Turn off gadgets
read a good book before bed
A cool Holicks an hour before bed and some guided meditation 🙂
Kick the husband out of bed before he starts to snore like a warthog <3
Have a warm milky drink before bedtime
Nice hot bubbly bath helps me
Black out blinds are fantastic
Don’t have children!
a nice hot bubble bath and a warm milky drink like Horlicks 🙂
Keep the temperature down a little in the room as it can disrupt sleep if it’s too hot 🙂
A warm bath before bed
A nice warm bath with a cup of horlicks!
I have an hour of reading with no interruption from screens before bed x
love it
I spray my pillow with lavender sleep spray
To relax and clear your mind
Reading helps me to settle down
A lovely cup of horlicks before bed 😀
a warm bath, then relax reading a book
Don’t eat late at night
A nice milky drink and a clear conscience
A nice hot Horlicks and a warm bed.
No electronic devices an hour before bed!
lavender linen spray on the bedding
I find a banana really helps me sleep and some warm milk
Read a book before bedtime sends me off to sleep
Reading tends to send me off. As does watching Match of the Day with my fiance!