Disney Princess Palace Pets are a new range of toys from Character toys. I think most little girls love the Disney Princesses so a toy range of their pets are perfect toys to keep young girls entertained. When I showed Miss M the palace pets, her eyes lit up in delight and she couldn’t wait to start playing.
We received the Disney Princess Palace Pets Pamper and Beauty Salon Set, which is one of the larger items in the range, the hub of all the pampering where the pets can meet up and be groomed together.
The salon is made up of three areas, a spa tub with shower spray, a hair styling area in front of the mirror and a salon chair to sit in, spin round and be styled. There is also a shelving unit and other areas to hold various accessories and the play set can be opened out by moving the bath and chair outwards to create a larger play area. The salon has lots of detail and looks very pretty but I would have liked to see a few more features/accessories for the price of this item.
This set comes with Rapunzel’s kitten Summer, a golden coloured cat that Rapunzel found alone in the street and rescued. Her favourite place to be now is in the salon for a bit of pampering. Also included are a hair dryer, hairbrush, heart shaped jar, some hair clips and a special sponge which when wet can be brushed across Summer’s toes to magically change her nails to pink!
Summer is a Furry Tailed Friend, of which there are six more sold individually to collect.
We received Beauty, a pink kitten belonging to Princess Aurora. She comes with a brush to groom her lovely bushy tail. She has a detachable tiara as do all the palace pets and moveable head from side to side. Each pet is beautifully moulded and made to a high standard with lots of detail. Miss M loved all the glittery bits on the pets and taking their tiaras off for pampering in the salon.
Bloom, one of the Primp and Pamper Ponies is Princess Aurora’s pony and comes in a pink a lilac colour with a beautiful, shiny, long tail. This is perfect for grooming and below you can see where Miss M has added the hair clips she comes with to the tail. She also comes with a hairbrush and jewellery box to keep her clips in. I think Bloom is a really pretty pony, with lots of shiny, glittery detail, a perfect size for young girls to carry round and play with wherever they are.
Finally we received one of the Talking and Singing Pets, Treasure, a cat who belongs to Princess Ariel. She is quite a bit larger than the other pets but this is due to her ability to talk and sing, which we were all really impressed with. She says several phrases at the touch of her necklace including “A tiara is a cat’s best friend”, “You’re the perfect friend” and my children’s favourite – a song consisting purely of meow’s to the tune of row, row, row your boat. I now have this sung to me on a daily basis by my children although it does sound rather cute!
We’ve loved playing with the Disney Princess Palace Pets, they are all very pretty and girly with lots of detail and sparkle. They are well made and perfect as individual toys and work well together as a set. The Pamper and Beauty Salon is a great area to bring the pets together and get little ones imaginations going. My 2 children had fun giving the pets all sorts of baths, while Mister B enjoyed pretending to dry their hair and left Miss M to style them. These are a treat for any young Disney Princess fan!
The Disney Princess Palace Pets are available now and range in price from £5.99 for a Furry Tailed Friend up to £34.99 for the Salon.
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the items in order to write the review.
I love the look of these, so cute!
Her face! She’s obviously delighted with them! 😀
Looks perfect for any young lady! I didn’t get a chance to look at the Character Toys stand at the Toy Fair – but looks like lots of fun things for girls and boys too in the ranges.
I love this! I want it for me!
This looks lovely
I saw these at Toy Fair and thought they were absolutely lovely. Wonderfully girly and so pretty!
These look great fun and something I would have loved to have played with when I was little. Your daughter looks like she really enjoyed playing with them and will get a lot of enjoyment out of them.
We also had them and my daughter love them. Unfortunately, she made me style the pets hair than her. She happily play with them!
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