
Decluttering and Making Money from eBay

Most people find they need a good clear out every few months but what do you do with it all?  I tend to take some items to the local charity shop and try my hand at selling things locally but it is a limited market and can take some time to sell so I decided to dip my toes into the world of selling on eBay.  I’ve bought many things from eBay over the years, just never been on the selling side, so I was keen to see if it was a simple and easy process.

eBay gives you the chance to earn some money to fund new things you want to buy or do but also allows you to get rid of stuff you no longer need, giving things a new lease of life with someone else.  Knowing I have many items that are fairly new but just no longer fit or aren’t being used, I knew eBay would be a way for me to declutter my life a little.

Accessible either on the website or via an App, you can set up your sales posts quickly and efficiently, in fact I found it much easier than initially expected and it would certainly encourage me to try selling more things in the future. The listing process is 4 simple steps, although the more information you provide, the more helpful it is to the potential buyer:

*Snap it* – Treat the pic of your item like a selfie. Have good lighting and make sure you take several shots

*Write it* – Use keywords to write a description of your item that is interesting, informative, and of course, honest!

*Price it* – Have you got a price in mind? Choose buy it now. If not, have fun with it and see what you can make with an auction style sale

*Post it* – Want them to come to you? Choose local pick up. Happy to post it? Then do exactly that

Within a few minutes I had a couple of items up for sale, and was eager to see if they would actually sell or not.  At the end of my 10 day auctions I was pleased to see that both had sold!

Within 48 hours both buyers had paid and I took their items to be posted.  Overall it was a really simple process that I’m happy with and would do again.  The items both sold quickly which I guess helps by being available to such a wide audience and that isn’t something I’m able to achieve anywhere else.  I’ll definitely be decluttering a little bit more and seeing if I can add some more pennies via eBay to my Christmas present buying fund over the next few months!

I am a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Panel, a group of parent bloggers who have volunteered to review products, services, events and brands for Mumsnet. I have editorial control and retain full editorial integrity. [I have received a voucher as a token of thanks for this post].

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