
Date Delivered – Date Night in a Box

Date nights can be easily missed the longer you’ve been together especially if you have children and don’t have a babysitter on hand.  So Date Delivered have come up with the perfect solution, a date night in a box delivered to your door monthly, quarterly or even as a one off!

The set up is simple and you can fill out your preferences on food, drink, activity likes and dislikes to help them tailor a box towards you and your partner.  We received a ‘Guess the Grape‘ box to try out and see what we thought.  The box came excellently packaged and presented, it really did feel special and as if plenty of thought had gone into it.  Our box consisted of three mini bottles of wine, each inside a cloth bag so that you couldn’t see what it was along with two packs of Soffle’s spring onion and Italian cheese Pitta Chips.  You also get a set of cards, one giving you wine tasting tips, some cards describing different grape flavours, a fact card about wine and some game instructions.

The box definitely made us sit down together in the evening, rather than doing our own thing and on pouring the first glass of wine we were laughing as we tried to pick flavours out of the wine (as much as we like drinking wine, trying to guess what grapes it is made from is a whole different ball game!).  The cards helped with ideas and it was funny listening to the flavours each other thought was in the wine.  Alongside this we had the Soffle’s Pitta Chips which all I can say were utterly divine.  They just melted in the mouth, had a delicate flavour and were the perfect accompaniment to a glass of wine – I’d definitely purchase these again if I saw them for sale somewhere.  We enjoyed each small bottle of wine before moving onto the next one, making the game last throughout the evening and keeping the conversation going.

So what did we think of the box?

We like the concept of the box and definitely thought that it made us spend time together and have a laugh.  Some of the wine facts made us giggle especially knowing we actually get through rather an astonishing amount of grapes throughout the year!  Having the little grape guessing game to play rather than just drinking the wine encouraged conversation rather than doing our own thing on an iPad etc.  The snack was also the perfect accompaniment and the boxed package came beautifully presented.

At £33.95 a box, I do think this is quite high for what’s included, although having the whole package boxed up and delivered to your door is the bonus and means you don’t have to plan anything yourself.  Also the card prompts included turn the night from just eating and drinking to a fun night full of conversation and laughs.

If you struggle to fit in date nights then maybe a box from Date Delivered would change that and make you spend more time with your other half, whether it’s while the kids are still up or once they’ve gone to bed.  It certainly makes you spend quality time with each other that can often be missed in a relationship!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.


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