
Bloom Pops Flower Design Studio from Cool Create – Review

Bloom Pops Flower Design Studio from Cool Create is a fun craft kit where you can design flower motifs.  They can be made again and again in different designs or used to stick wherever you want, be it something you want to decorate, make a badge or whatever else you choose.

Bloom popsWith over 2 sheets of fabric flower petals, 1 Bloom Pop Maker, 6 sticky pads, 6 flower bases, 6 silicon buttons, 18 flower spacers, 1 unpopper tool, 1 display tree, 45 sparkly gems and instructions you can create many unique designed fabric flowers, which any young girl who loves creating, designing and making will enjoy!

Bloom pops 1

It comes with a doll figure which is used to pop the button centre of the flower on but pushing her arms down.  Aimed at 5yrs + this was perfect for 6yr old Miss M to play with and create with independently and something she enjoyed doing.

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I like the fact that it comes with a moulded tray on which to put all the pieces, there are several sections to put the smaller pieces in and a set place to stand the popper doll.  It also comes with a display tree upon which you can display your flower creations and this also fits into the tray.

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Miss M really enjoying making different flower combinations.  You build a flower by starting with a base, adding layers of petals and spacers which add to the 3D effect, and then use the doll popper to pop a middle onto the flower which also holds it all together.  You then have the option of putting a sticky pad on the back, depending on where or how you want to use the flower.  They is also an unpicker tool which easily unpops the centre of the flower allowing you to take it apart and start again with a new design.

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We’ve enjoyed Bloom Pops, it’s a fun way to be creative and a bit different to other craft sets.  The flowers look lovely displayed on the tree in Miss M’s bedroom and she plans to use other flowers in pictures and artwork that she makes.

Why not give Bloom Pops a try today?

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received Bloom Pops in order to write the review.

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