Giveaways, Reviews

Barbie in Princess Power Book & Jigsaw Giveaway x3

Barbie in Princess Power is the latest guise of Barbie and one that has been hugely successful with my daughter.  Princess Kara acquires a magical power after being kissed by a butterfly that gives her the power to turn into a superhero allowing her to prevent disasters and save the day!

The Barbie in Princess Power Jigsaw and Book set from Autumn Publishing is perfect for young Barbie fans to read about the adventures of Princess Kara using her superhero powers to save the town.

barbie princess powerThe book is written in comic book style, with full colour pages and lots of illustrations to help guide you through the story.  Miss M who is 7 and and able reader, enjoying reading this herself especially at bedtime.

barbie powerA 60 piece jigsaw is included in the set which is an exceptionally high quality puzzle, the best I have ever seen.  The pieces are incredibly glossy and strong and Miss M couldn’t wait to get started.

barbie princess power 1The jigsaw is a brightly coloured image of Barbies Kara and Corinne in their superhero costumes flying through the sky.  Miss M thoroughly enjoyed completing this and did it herself.  On the back is a equally glossy black and white picture which is designed to be coloured in and wiped clean so you can keep redoing it in any colours of your choice.  Miss M just enjoyed the challenge of doing the puzzle of the picture on the back.

barbie princess power 2We loved this Barbie in Princess Power Jigsaw and Book set and are pleased to offer our readers the chance to win 1 of 3 copies in a giveaway!

Just enter through the gleam widget below:

Barbie in Princess Power Jigsaw and book

All reviews are my own opinions and I received a Barbie box set in order to write the review.

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  1. Kim Styles says:

    to heal all illnesses and diseases

  2. melanie stirling says:

    I’d love to be able to fly,I have constant pain in my knees so flying would be great.

  3. kay Ellerby says:

    ♡♡♡ I would love to be able to heal animals and people. I don’t know if it is a super power? But that is what I would call it ♡♡♡

  4. tracy k nixon says:

    I’d love to be able to fly as I could travel faster without traffic!

  5. Tracy Newton says:

    I would like to be able to click my fingers and all the housework is then done. Mary Poppins was brilliant at this

  6. Iona Cornish says:

    I’d love to be able to fly as I love the idea of swooping over the area

  7. aaron broad says:

    I’d want to be super strong, I could use it for all sorts

  8. Paula Readings says:

    I would like the power to heal.

  9. gemma brown says:

    i’d love to be able to fly. I don’t drive and do a crazy amount of walking. how much quicker everything would be too

  10. iain maciver says:

    to help the world stopping war

  11. laura banks says:

    i would love to fly just to see if i fly like i do in my dreams as its more like swimming in the air

  12. Lynsey Buchanan says:

    I would love to fly and travel the world and see all its wonfers

  13. Kate says:

    Invisibility so i could keep an eye on the kids when they thought i wasn’t looking!

  14. Stacey Tripconey says:

    To be able to fly so I could travel for free

  15. Karen Barrett says:

    Mind reader, then I would know exactly what people are thinking

  16. Ms Suan Watts says:

    I’d love to be able to wake up in my holiday destination without the travelling

  17. Barbara Handley says:

    I would like to be able to go back in time to meet my ancestors.

  18. The power to stretch time, time lady maybe .

  19. jacqui brett says:

    to grant wishes, like a genie but with more room!

  20. John Tingay says:

    I would love the power to make people’s noses grow longer when they tell lies (watch out politicians!)

  21. Maxine Owen says:

    To be able to fly 🙂

  22. Julie Henderson says:

    to travel back in time and get to know my ancestors

  23. Elizabeth Hinds says:

    I would choose invisibility, for those moments when you just want to slip by unnoticed 😉

  24. Victoria Wale says:

    I would LOVE to be able to fly. So much more fun than walking and way faster 😀

  25. israr baig says:

    the power of WINNING

  26. Susan Lloyd says:

    I would love to be invisible! Xx

  27. Elizabeth (Liz) Briggs says:

    To do things super fast – so I could get the house clean in a second x

  28. Val Hartley says:

    I would love to be invisible, then I could amaze everyone with my knowledge.

  29. kim plant says:

    to read minds and see what my husband is thinking x

  30. Val Swift says:

    To be able to fly and see the world

  31. hayley berry says:

    id love to fly so i could beat the traffic and get to work earlier

  32. Scott Walliss says:

    My super power would be to fly

  33. Jo welsh says:

    To transport my self anywhere with a blink of an eye to save all those stressful car journeys

  34. Martina Pichova says:

    teleportation -so I could travel all over the world

  35. Caroline H says:

    I’d love invisibility so I could scoot through everything I need to do without interruptions.

  36. kayleigh Bates says:

    Id love to read peoples minds

  37. Kel (@MoolBoots) says:

    I would like super energy – so when I have been ill, or clocks have changed or kids have been up early I can use my super energy to get things done!

  38. wendy becker says:

    superman to be able to fly

  39. ashleigh allan says:

    To be able to fly so I could get places quickly!

  40. chantelle hazelden says:

    The power of getting my kids to listen to me 😉

  41. A kling says:

    The ability to get my kids to listen to me!

  42. esther james says:

    The ability to use my brain to its full potential!

  43. Fiona says:

    I would love to be able to fly – who wouldn’t?!

  44. Linda McGarrigle says:

    Would have to be to make the TV remote invisible to the rest of the house…mwahahaha the fun…the fun lol

  45. i want to be a very strong person like mr incredible.
    Eileen Teo recently posted…Easter Breakfast at Wyevale Garden CentreMy Profile

  46. Dawn Henson says:

    I would like the power to heal people to get rid of awful illnesses

  47. Becca Staples says:

    I would like to become invisible, would be great for finding things out aswell as getting some peace and quiet x

  48. Liam Bishop says:

    The ability to pause time so I could get a decent night’s sleep.

  49. Nat Jones says:

    To be able to read peoples mind….because I’m nosy!

  50. Alex C says:

    Invisibility, so I could sneak about playing pranks on people 😉

  51. Harley says:

    The power to rewind time and smell my newborns!

  52. elaine dale says:

    teleporting so could get from place to place instantly

  53. says:

    to be able to fly,

  54. Karen Laing says:

    I would love to be invisible,to be able to watch my grandchildren in nursery and school would be quite wonderful,I could also become invisible when I have all these cold callers at the door,it’s a pity it wouldn’t work on the phone x

  55. michaela atkins says:

    OctoMum i need 8 arms to do all the jobs i have to do lol

  56. Sue McCarthy says:

    I would like to be invisible so no-one has to see my cos I’m so hideous

  57. Joanna Butler-Savage says:

    fast running -get my exercise in half the time

  58. Sarah Archibald says:

    invisibility! it would be SO much fun.

  59. Rich Tyler says:

    Time travel – would love to see my parents / granparents etc when they were younger, plus the swinging 60s would be a blast!

  60. Laura Finch says:

    I would love to fly! Get to work and school runs faster 🙂

  61. Karen Usher says:

    The power to get rid of terrible illnesses, including mental illness

  62. Lauren Tourle says:

    i would love to be invisible so i could spy on people haha 🙂 and make my partner think he was going insane (in the nicest possible way haha )

  63. Kate Cass says:

    Time travel, wow the good things you could do, bring back cures, stop wars…. Would be an amazing superpower!

  64. laura stewart says:

    Power to Heal would be great xx

  65. Rachel Butterworth says:

    I would love the power to grow money on trees because I need some money NOW.

  66. J Schofield says:

    I would love to be able to fly!

  67. Tina Holmes says:

    Be able to click my fingers and be in the place I need to be.

  68. Pauline Wilson says:

    Invisibility so I could spy on people

  69. I’d love to be able to fly as you’d never have to worry about traffic!
    Angela McDonald recently posted…Block Colour WishlistMy Profile

  70. Ema J Lowe says:

    I would like to be a super hero who can clean up in just seconds with a wave of my arm.

  71. amyangelmouse says:

    Invisibility! Theres so much scope with that one!

  72. Amanda Walsh says:

    the power to fly so school run would be super quick

  73. Lynn Heath says:

    I would quite like the ability to travel at supersonic speeds so that I could whizz round the world visiting friends and family!

  74. Ursula Hunt says:

    I would love to be able to grant wishes so I could make all my families dreams come true

  75. Glenn Marvell-James says:

    Super Comper, the power to win competitions

  76. Michelle Banks says:

    invisibility, so i could spy on eveyone lol

  77. to heal all illnesses

  78. Clare Hubbard says:

    I’d love to be invisible, guaranteed alone time when I need to escape the children!

  79. Stephanie Tsang says:

    I’d like to be able to fly so that I could avoid ground traffic

  80. Jennifer Toal says:

    Cat woman

  81. Natalie Crossan says:

    I’d love to be able to read people’s thoughts so I could work out who was being truthful and who was lying!

  82. I’d have the power of invisibility so I could spy on people
    Natasha Mairs recently posted…Paddy’s Bathroom – New Kids Range of Toiletries from the Makers of Ella’s KitchenMy Profile

  83. Monica Gilbert says:

    I’d love to be able to teleport myself and others so that I could easily visit family and friends around the world.

  84. Emma Campbell says:

    Invisibility so I could secretly hear what people really think!

  85. Patricia Avery says:

    An unending supply of stamina because as I approach my 70s lack of it sometimes gets in the way of me doing all I want to do 🙂

  86. sarah evans says:

    super speed so the housework wouldn’t take so long

  87. Rebecca Nisbet says:

    to be superfast at cleaning!

  88. Melissa Breckon says:

    flying would be my personal choice.

  89. Sara JaneG says:

    I like to be able to teleport

  90. Christina Palmer says:

    The power to wipe out cancer as there are to many people suffering long term pain and there families are having to stand by and watch feeling helpless and despair

  91. Hannah Walker says:

    Superman because he can fly x

  92. Michelle Ferguson says:

    I would love to be able to predict the future

  93. claire blake says:

    Invisablity so I could spy on my kids

  94. kayleigh white says:

    Cake power – I’d love to be able to make cakes properly!

  95. Vicky Cockett says:

    id love to be a healer.

  96. sally brown says:

    To be able to converse with animals xxx

  97. MichelleD says:

    I’d have the power of invisibility!

  98. Rebecca Howe says:

    to be able to time travel

  99. Jo Glasspool says:

    To fly, that would be so much fun.

  100. Katherine Coldicott says:

    I’d love to be able to time travel, I love history so it would be fab to vist some of my favourite periods in time.

  101. Sarah Franks says:

    I’d love to have the power to heal – my sister is currently terminally ill and my nieces will never meet their grandfather because my dad also died of a terminal illness, so being able to have saved them both would be massive for me.

    For something a bit more fun, I’d love the ability to breath underwater – I’ve always loved swimming and marine animals, so being able to explore the oceans easily would be a thrilling experience, especially as we know so little about much of the worlds oceans and seas. I could watch killer whales, dolphins, seals, and sharks in their natural environments – that would be amazing!!

  102. EJ Dunn says:

    I’ve always wanted to be able to fly and be free

  103. Angela Williams says:

    to be super fast, so that I could do all the housework in 1 hr and spend the rest of the weekend playing with the kids.

  104. Elizabeth Yeates says:

    To cure illnesses in humans and animals to make the word a happier place

  105. nicola james says:

    to fly,get places quicker

  106. Jade Walsh says:

    I’d love to be able to morph into any other person or any animal =)

  107. says:

    I’d love to be able to fly,

  108. Minnie15 says:

    I’d love to be able to pause time (the most precious thing in the world) to get more stuff done and be able to appreciate things mindfully <3 x

  109. Anthea Holloway says:

    I would love to be able to fly across the towns, cities and countryside. What a marvellous power that would be!

  110. Stephen Little says:

    Ability to fly – save money on bus fares!

  111. Vicki Weston says:

    Freeze time so I could get more done in a day (and squeeze in a power nap!)

  112. Solange says:

    Fly – so I can see the world

  113. Gail Reid says:

    I would love to heal anyone that is chronically sick so they can enjoy their lives <3

  114. emma falvi says:

    to stop all wars

  115. Angi says:

    I would love to be able to teleport anywhere – as I am terrified of planes…..then I could go to Vegas!!!!!!! Apparently my daughter (2) wants to have fairy wings (not sure if that qualifies as a superhero power!)

  116. Mark Chamberlin says:

    I’d love the ability to heal the sick (sounds like a Miss World answer :))!

  117. jo maxted says:

    invisibility i could go anywhere anytime without anyone recognizing me xx

  118. Andrew Hindley says:

    Would love to be able to fly so as to avoid the rush hours

  119. christine westlake says:

    invisibility= love to do things for people without them seeing it is me

  120. Helen Allan says:

    It would be great to be able to be in more than one place at once. I’d get much more done in my day. Thank you!

  121. steph lovatt says:

    To be able to pause time when I’m running late or need an extra 10 minutes

  122. claire little says:

    to freeze time then I’d get everything done in a day 🙂

  123. Chantelle Kemp says:

    Super speed, so I could zoom around everywhere and get things done super fast!

  124. Sheila Sloan says:

    Seeing into the future … so I can win the lottery!

  125. Jade says:

    I’d like to fly so I could see more of the world (and maybe miss the traffic on the way home from work!)

  126. Kristy Brown says:

    The power to read minds – so I always know what the kids are up to

  127. Tim Woolfenden says:

    Power of invisibility. Get away with all sorts!!

  128. soneailiami says:

    to help the world stopping war

  129. sarah parker says:

    wonder woman because I thought she was fab 🙂

  130. Karyn Smith says:

    I would like to be able to fly as there are so many places I would love to visit

  131. JUDITH STANLEY says:

    X-Ray vision, so I can see what the kids are doing outside

  132. Emma Wolski says:

    Invisibility – I’d love to disappear sometimes!

  133. jo liddement says:

    The power to be able to turn all the nasty people in the world to stone just like Medusa could do

  134. Kathleen Bywaters says:

    I would love to have a midus touch and turn anything into gold!

  135. olivia Kirby says:

    Definitely fly as I hate driving and traffic!

  136. Holly Boyd says:

    The ability to talk and understand all languages

  137. Joanna Sawka says:

    never have to sleep

  138. ELZBIETA ZNYK says:

    I would like to fly and feel free!!!

  139. Jill fairbank says:

    Super women as I am just so tired by 8pm

  140. HELEN BOOTH says:

    To be able to time travel…and buy a lottery ticket!

  141. Eleanor Powell says:

    to slow down time so I had more of it with the family

  142. karen Howden says:

    to fly so I can get to places in lightening speed

  143. Carrie Talbot-Ashby says:

    I would love the power of invisibility, so that I could escape easily when I see people I don’t like, Oooh and I could spy on hot blokes without being seen! ……….and when I say hot blokes, I mean my hot Husband…who might read this…err….Yeah! 😛

  144. Jane Middleton says:

    invisibility and flying because I could quickly get to places

  145. to be able to fly – holidays abroad whenever i wanted – no stuck in traffic jams and no stupidly high prices for petrol – no saving the world for me sorry
    ellie spider recently posted…+ 365 Day 106 & 107My Profile

  146. James Williamson says:

    To be able to cure all illnesses & diseases.

  147. Laura Whittle says:

    To see the future. Could stop all sorts of bad things from happening and maybe look forward to the winning lotto numbers too 🙂

  148. Kirsty Sparks says:

    To be able to fly because it would be fun

  149. Keith Hunt says:

    To Fly as i hate wasting 4 days A/L in airports for a 8 day holiday.

  150. pauline black (@suff38) says:

    To be able to fly. Oh my the possibilities would be endless! Free travel to anywhere!

  151. Vickie Jackson says:

    I’d love to be able to read minds and influence people

  152. LEE HARDY says:

    Would love the superpower of reversing time.

  153. Kirsty Woods says:

    Pausing time would be amazing

  154. Alexandra McGahey says:

    Invisibility of course! So I could hide away at appropriate moments and spy on people!

  155. jessica barnett says:

    read peoples minds, would be awesome

  156. Tara Davies says:

    I’d like to be invisible so I could get some peace 😉

  157. Charlotte Bernard says:

    To be invisible so I could go anywhere & spy on people and they wouldn’t know!

  158. Denielle Nicol says:

    A flying, healer of a super hero 🙂

  159. Claire Ward says:

    The ability to fly

  160. Jannette Roden says:

    To make world cruelty end x

  161. Monika S says:

    healing powers – I never want any children to be ill

  162. Brenda Wilkes says:

    I am losing my hearing and so supersonic hearing would be great so that I can hear everything that is going on!

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