Anthony and the Ants – Book Review

Anthony and the Ants from Parragon books is an amusing little story that made us giggle.  It a nice size picture book with full colour pages and and fun illustrations.

Anthony and the antsThe story follows Anthony the anteater who loves his food, but unfortunately a group of ants keep walking away with his food before he’s had time to eat it.  Anthony starts to get really fed up that this keeps happening so decides to go somewhere else to eat.  I won’t spoil what happens next but it does result in the ants and Anthony being friends and learning to share with each other.

anthony antsAnthony and the Ants is a fun book with a happy ending.  Both my children enjoyed the storyline and thought it was quite amusing.  The pictures help to set the scene for them and they giggled at the ants carrying away all the food.  This is a fun, quick to read story that we’ll enjoy many times over.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and the book was sent to us in order to write the review.


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