Air Hogs E-Charger Dragon from Spin Master is aimed at children ages 8+ and is a sturdy well built plane that charges in just 30 seconds allowing it to fly up to 100 yards through the sky. The children were keen to try it out so we headed out to an open space to see how far it could fly.
The plane is easy to fly and charges really quickly. The charger requires 3 x AA batteries and then it’s ready to go. Once you are ready to fly you simply unfold the charging pin on the top of the charger, push it into the charging port on the underside of the plane and hold the button on the charger in for 30 seconds. As soon as you remove the charger you can hear the power in the plane waiting to be released into the air.
We found you do need to throw it quite well into the air and let it catch the wind but when you do get a good throw – wow!! This thing really does fly!
It was hard to film it in action because it was sunny and it flew so fast but I managed to get a couple of short clips of the plane in flight. The children loved it when it twisted and turned through the sky and it definitely went some distance so really do make sure you are in a good open space.
We thought the power on this plane was great and really gave it a boost to fly through the sky. Once it lands you do need to charge it up again for the next flight but for us it was a challenge to see what flight paths we could get it to do. When it went well, it really goes for it but it is definitely set at the correct age guidelines. My 9yr old and husband were quite able to set this off in the air, although my 6yr old struggled but being aimed at 8+, this made sense.
Overall the Air Hogs e-charger is a great gadget toy for the over 8’s that gets them running around in the fresh air chasing after the plane as well as a lot of fun watching it zooming the sky.
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.
Great Post! This post is very helpful. Thanks for sharing such an amazing post.
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