Abney and Teal Magazine – Review

Abney and Teal is one of the hit tv show on Cbeebies.  My two both watch it which kind of surprises me as I’ve never really taken too much notice of it myself although if they like it, then it’s the sort of programme I’m happy for them to watch.  It seems to have a calm nature but one that keeps them intrigued hence why I was happy to review the new Abney and Teal magazine.

abney tealFirst impressions where that it had a winning musical instrument set on the front – something my two loved!  Although I’m sure I’m not the only parent to say that the recorder sounded like a whistle that my little boy decided to repeatedly blow on for days on end – not that I’m complaining – he obviously enjoyed it showing that the magazine was a hit with him.

abney teal 2I next looked inside the magazine and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the  pages.  Either filled with stories or worthwhile activities that kept my just turned 4yrs old Mister B thoroughly entertained and wanting for more.  From adding stickers to practising letters, counting objects or making his way through a maze, Mister B didn’t want to stop.  He knew all the characters and immediately declared his favourite as Toby dog.  He was totally familiar with the neeps and the poc pocs – obviously I haven’t been watching it enough lately!

abney teal 3This magazine totally gripped my newly 4 year old. He was eager to learn through the activities and loved the familiarity of characters he knew.  I’d definitely buy this magazine again based on the amount of interaction my little boy has had with it, to be honest I’ve been pleasantly surprised!

The magazine was released on 23rd October, why not grab a copy now?

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the magazine in order to write the review.

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