
A Game of Ladybirds by Orchard Toys

I was looking forward to reviewing A Game of Ladybirds by Orchard Toys for the Izziwizzi Kids Play Fest as it looked like a simple, easy to play game that encouraged counting and observation skills.  I thought it would be a good, fun game for Miss M to play to reiterate her number observation which she has only recently got to grips with (without pointing and counting with her finger) and overall counting skills which are used at the end of the game to determine the winner by counting how many ladybirds are on the leaves.

The game is very easy to set up with all the cards (of the usual standard of high quality, durable, shiny card from Orchard Toys) being turned face down.  This game includes a dice with a small plastic shaker which is used to determine which number card you pick up.  The little shaker was fun and kept Miss M excited as I think it is one of the first games Miss M has played with a dice.  The game requires you take turns in continuing to throw the dice and picking up a card with the same number of spots on until all the cards have been taken.

When you pick up a card you turn it over to reveal a number of ladybirds on the leaves.  A key point in this game is that you have no idea how many ladybirds will be on the card you pick up as the number of spots has no bearing on the number of ladybirds on the leaf – in fact some leaves have no ladybirds at all!  This ensures no cheating can take place and the game ends up being pure luck as to who the winner is.

I tend to like games with this approach for younger children as I find it more enjoyable for the adults to join in.  The game is suitable for 2 – 4 players and has a suggested age range of 3 – 6 years.  I think this is a great game for those beginning to count and to get to grips with recognising groups of numbers.

I think it would be most suitable to purchase for a child from the lower end of the age range to give them the most value out of the learning opportunities within the game.  I can’t wait to see Miss M playing this with Mister B next year – he loves counting but is still a little young for the concept of game play – he would want to turn all the ladybirds over at once although we have had him sitting counting out the ladybirds on each card – so cute!!

The game retails for around £7.50 which I think is good value for the game – a great introduction into turn taking and counting incorporated into a cute little game – we’ve enjoyed it and played it again and again.  With each turn being quick to play, children won’t get bored easily and with each game lasting 5-10 mins you can squeeze it into a small time slot or play multiple times if you have more time.

To see the game in action, please watch our short video:

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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1 Comment

  1. Tracy Nixon says:

    My girls would love this game – thank you for the review!

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