Masha and the Bear follows the cute story of a 3yr old girl Masha and her friend, a retired circus star, Bear. This is their first DVD release by Abbey Home Media and sure to be a hit with pre school and young children who will love watching their antics and adventures.
Join Masha, the Bear and all her woodland friends in the series that is currently taking the world by storm. A retired circus bear settles into the woods and prepares for a quiet new life surrounded by peace and tranquility until he is introduced to an adventurous little girl named Masha.
Masha is an energetic three-year-old who lives in an old train station in the forest. Precocious, silly, and friends with everyone she meets, this energetic girl can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble.
Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures. Though he enjoys his quiet time alone, he misses those moments when Masha is not around.
For your chance to win a copy of the DVD just fill in the Gleam form below:
Guide each other in times of need with your honest opinions.
Taking the time to be there through the good & bad times
Being there for friends and not judging them is my top tip.
always talking to each other
honesty is the biggest thing I look for in a friend
Talking to each other, not judging them
Be honest at all times!
Don’t think that just because a friendship changes it must be ending – all relationships change over time.
be loyal, give good advice 🙂
keep in touch
Not matter how far away keep in regular contact.
being there for your friend
Honesty, fab advice, and always keeping in touch.x
Being there for each other.
always be these for each other,through good and bad times
Be thoughtful and always remember birthdays.
make time and be a good listener
Being a good listener and not judging
Being there for the good times and the bad x
being able to trust people and knowing how to listen
Be there for them when they need it and never judge.
be there for them when needed and make time for them
my 4 year old says – the best quality is ‘someone who doesnt knock down my lego towers’ ….. well, i did ask 🙂
Always listen to them
I think remembering birthdays is a great start.
Always make effort!
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always lending an ear and a shoulder to cry on
Treat other people how you would like to be treated
Always be honest, even if it hurts.
treat them as you expect to be treated
Make sure that you keep in touch and try and meet up once in a while if you are far apart.
Keep in touch and arrange a day out regulary to do something nice together.
Have time for your friends
Always being there, and helping out with problems
Always think of your friends feelings!
Make time for each other – and don’t forget friendship is a two way street.
make sure they are not affiliated to religions as they get converted from being themselves
loyalty honesty n trust
Always talking to each other
A 50\50 relationship, give as much as you want to get x
be there for each other , every good friendship there is no dominant friend your both equal
We all lead busy lives, so it is important to keep in contact as much as possible.