Mr Nutcase produce personalised mobile phone and tablet covers to any design of your choice, be it one of their instantly available designs, a design of your own or by adding your own photo. Even the readily available colours and patterns can be additionally customised with clip art and text. You really can make a truly unique case. I decided …
Canvasdesign Photo Canvas – Review
Canvasdesign produce high quality photo canvasses in a multitude of sizes from just 6 inches square right the way up to 40 inches! I’ve never had a photo put onto canvas before but was intrigued as to what it’d be like so keenly took up the opportunity from Canvasdesign to try one. I chose a photo of my two children …
Picture Story Books from Parragon – Review
Parragon Books have a delightful selection of children’s books and we were lucky to be sent a couple to try. The first is called The Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat, a familiar title based on the classic Edward Lear poem that I remember from my childhood. Although, this little tale follows two children dressed up as an owl …