Stocking Fillers is a great website full of all those small items, such as games, toys and fun things that are perfect for filling stockings this Christmas. With a wide range to choose from, the site is easy to navigate as it’s broken down into different price points as well as boys, girls, adults etc. There also is something for everyone making it the one stop shop for stocking fillers.
I chose a selection of items for my children that I don’t think will disappoint. The quality on all the items seems good value for the price and it was easy being able to order a box full of goodies from one place.
There were plenty of branded items to choose from such as Corgi diecast cars and Crazy Soap which is always a hit in the bath! I also picked up some coloured Bath Tint tablets to change the colour of the bath which sound like fun.
My daughter enjoys a game of noughts and crosses on paper and I spotted a little wooden set using hearts and flowers which looked quite sweet, games never disappoint my children so I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun for such a simple item.
For Mister B who’s 4, I think the dinosaur stick will be fun, by turning it over it makes a dinosaur “roar”. The Secret Message Pen will be a hit for Miss M as she loves writing little notes and the fact that we can’t see them will turn it into a fun game for her.
I think the Stocking Fillers website is a great place to pick up all those last minute little bits and pieces that fill us with joy each Christmas morning. Why not take a look yourself?
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received some stocking fillers in order to write the review.