Getting Kids to Eat More Fruit with #ChileanEasyPeelers

Although both my children are pretty good when it comes to getting their daily dose of fruit, they can be a bit fussy about taking it to school.  They like effortless things like a pot of grapes and would rather keep things like apples and oranges for at home when I can help prepare them etc.  This is where Chilean easy peelers come in as they are so simple to peel, meaning kids can do it themselves, quickly at any time.

Packed full of vitamin C and a great source of water, Chilean easy peelers are a great way to keep hydrated during the day.  Also providing a rich source of fibre, calcium and magnesium they are a nutritious snack for both children and adults to enjoy.

We tried these at home first and both my children got stuck in peeling one each and it was completely effortless and within a few minutes they both were eating their fruit.  Having a sweet, juicy taste, the segments disappeared quickly and both of them thoroughly enjoyed their snack.  With the knowledge that they were so easy to peel they were quite happy to have them in their school lunch boxes which is great as I know they are getting another one of their five a day during school hours and also it boosts their liquid intake which is important when trying to concentrate and learn new things.

Chilean easy peelers have gone down a treat with my two and will now be something I add to the weekly shopping list rather than just an occasional fruit that I buy.  It’s great that children can peel them so easily, meaning less work for me, and a juicy treat for them!

This post is an entry for the BritMums #ChileanEasyPeelers Challenge, sponsored by Chilean Citrus Committee

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