Bunchems! 3D Creations Fun for Kids

Bunchems! from Spin Master are clever little colourful balls that stick together and can be built up to create 3D structures simply and easily.  Just as quick you have built one, you can also pull it apart and rebuild into something totally different.  My children have been eyeing this up over the last few months so I knew they’d be …

Shapes Don’t Bug Me Geometry Set – Review

Shapes Don’t Bug Me from Learning Resources is a fabulous little educational activity set aimed at children aged 5-9 although both my children ages 3 and 6 have loved playing with this and had lots of fun learning about shapes and how they fit together. The set comprises of 20 double sided activity cards ranging in difficulty from 1 up …

Fruit Bowl Snacks for Kids – Review

Fruit Bowl offer an incredibly appealing range of prepacked snacks aimed at children, with the bonus of being healthy, in fact most of them provide 1 of their 5 a day portions of fruit.  There are various varieties of snacks from fruit shapes, to fruit peelers and fruit bars.  There are also yogurt coated fruit pieces although these only count …