FaceTox is a highly powerful detoxifying face mask that will leave your skin looking squeaky clean, pores look fresh and clear and your whole facial skin looks totally refreshed and recharged. I couldn’t wait to try this out to give my skin a treat and help to keep it tip top condition with the ageing …
Casmara Balancing Algae Peel Off Mask – Review
Casmara Balancing Algae Peel Off Mask is a high quality face mask that helps to combat the signs of ageing as well as giving you a relaxing treatment. The mask is formulated with Tibetan Goji Berries, Betaine and Honey, which are active ingredients to help protect the skin and combat the appearance of ageing. The …
Q10 Caviar Nourishing Face Mask – Review
With my 40’s now upon me, I love to treat my skin and give it an anti ageing boost whenever I get the chance. Pampering time is a rarity these days with two young children about, but when I do get a bit of me time, it’s always worth the while. Timeless Truth have a …